the pandemic making people realize - oh shit they can just grind all this to a halt with the push of a button

the recent election frauds / riots / etc in the US, global warming / severe weather increasing, capitalism getting more and more ruthless, everything sucks more and costs more…

it feels so weird that it’s 2023 and we still care about dress codes or professionalism, at the same time. because it sort of feels like we’re in the beginning of a movie waiting for the bad thing to happen

    1 year ago

    Like it or not, this is the curse of modern media and, in particular, social media (including Lemmy). Boring details don’t get clicks or upvotes. Hype does. If you spend much time being exposed to one sensational headline, article or discourse after another, you’re going to have a much different view of the world than those who don’t.

    If you don’t believe me, walk away from internet media and cable news networks for two weeks. I guarantee you’ll notice some change in your perspective and, possibly, an even see improvement in your overall mental health.