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This article is an interesting breakdown of the conflict between the US and the Houthis, and goes into some detail about the impacts of information warfare by both sides.

The best chance the United States has to deter Houthi attacks is to find ways to conduct an information campaign of its own to counter Houthi messaging. As long as the Houthis believe they are winning the information war, they will likely continue their attacks. Neutralizing Houthi propaganda is the best way to deter the group’s attacks. The most straightforward way to blunt their message would be to reach a sustainable cease-fire in Gaza. Although there is no guarantee that the Houthis would end their attacks once a cease-fire was in place, it would greatly diminish the power of their messaging by eliminating a huge source of popular grievance and angst. [emphasis added]

Notably, the author of this article is a researcher at RAND Corp, so even (some) mainstream neocons are now arguing the best way to counter the Houthi insurgency is to establish a durable cease-fire in Gaza, rather than perpetuating the conflict.