The shipboard computer in Red Dwarf is named Holly, who is known for his comically senile personality. Holly is a hologrammatic AI that has existed for millions of years, leading to a significant decline in his intelligence, which he humorously claims has dropped from an IQ of 6,000 to that of “a glass of water” due to isolation. Notable Anecdotes and Humor.

Senility and Mistakes: Holly’s senility is a recurring theme in the series. For instance, he famously misses the number seven in a countdown, which leads to disastrous consequences, including the crew being sent to a parallel universe.

Catchphrases: One of Holly’s memorable lines is “What’s happenin’, dudes?” which encapsulates his laid-back and often clueless demeanor. His interactions often lead to humorous misunderstandings and absurd situations.

Chess Match with Queeg: In the episode “Queeg,” Holly is replaced by a more competent computer named Queeg 500. The crew realizes that Holly’s replacement is overly strict, leading them to instigate a chess match between the two computers to restore Holly. The twist is that Holly’s return is revealed to be an elaborate April Fool’s joke, showcasing the show’s penchant for absurd humor.

Holly’s Gender: Interestingly, Holly is portrayed with a female name despite being depicted as a male character. This choice is thought to be a playful nod to HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey, and has led to various fan theories about the name’s origins, including suggestions that it stands for “Hologram Of Likeable Lad” or similar acronyms.

Interactions with Other Characters: Holly’s interactions with the crew often lead to comedic moments, such as when he has to converse with a talking toaster about crumpets after his IQ is accidentally increased, highlighting his quirky and nonsensical nature.

Holly’s character is a blend of humor and absurdity, making him a beloved part of the Red Dwarf series.