sunset today is at 14:50. you love to see it.
I’m in that picture and I love it.
oh it is much darker than this at 4pm
A guy I worked with kept his office cold as a tomb and the lights off except a small desk lamp. One time walking back from a group lunch when it was under 30F, I had on jeans and a down jacket and started shivering - he’s totally fine in shorts and an aloha shirt. Suspected reptile.
Accurate. I genuinely like overcast skies and fog. I strangely feel more energized when the sun is not out.
hello fellow cloud goblin person
Hiiiii 🧟
I want to know wtf is following her.
Bold of you to assume winter fans are outside.
- proper coziness requires a gradient
- mild, room temperature weather is boring, no stimulation
- hot temps are awful, I hate sweating
I’ll take crisp or cold temps, rain or snow, over boring or hot weather any day. if there was somewhere that had a solid rain 24/7/365 and it was within my means I’d move there in a heartbeat. If was a heartless billionaire I’d have homes in places with rainy/cold weather all around the world so I could chase the enjoyable weather all year.