Thank you biden
This feels like astroturfing to get people more accustomed to the idea of eating fewer meals as food becomes more expensive.
But it’s too early on Christmas eve for conspiracy theories. I haven’t even started drinking my once a year Christmas booze.
It’s from 2015, look at the top comment for the source article.
Calling western meal schedules racist is uh… fucking dumb.
But the standard meal schedule is dumb and while the optimal approach is to just listen to your body adopting the Spanish meal schedule is a decent improvement.
Have a protein focused breakfast and then most of your calories in the mid day (Spain does this at 13-1500) and, if you want it, have a small supper in the evening (Spain does this at 8-11 but earlier isn’t a bad idea).
It’s very silly to eat all your calories at the end of the day so that evening meal should be much lighter than the American standard.
Okay, but I sleep like shit if I don’t have a heavy meal at the end of the day.
I think different people need different meal schedules, and the “one size fits all” approach is the problem.
Yea - listening to your body is definitely the best approach… but if you have a family you’re coordinating meals with there are generally better options than the standard western meal schedule - your mileage will vary though and for you a heavy meal at the end of the day very well may be the best approach.
This is a photo, not a news article.
Happy birthday to the ground!
By what stretch of the imagination does this belong on c/world?
Found the article, it’s actually real. However, it also predates the Biden admin.
What if we just re-name breakfast “Wokemeal”?
It is something you eat after you just “woke” up!