For fascists, there must always be a target.
I feel like in this case, it’s more than that. They’ve weaponized social media and successfully used that weapon within their own borders and now they’re targeting somewhere else. They want to freely push right wing ideologies and make right wing politicians look good everywhere. Says a lot that in order to achieve that, they need to do things like remove fact checking. But it’s been proven now that ‘alternate facts’ are very effective at convincing masses of people that you’re a free speech warrior while burning books in their faces, or that you care about the kids while campaigning for child marriage and child labour, just for a couple of examples.
It’s convinced working class people that union busting, eternally greedy, multi-billionaires are their ‘anti-establishment’ heroes. And it’s convinced whiny, insecure, porn addicted men that they’re all ‘alphas’, every one of them.
We’re entering an era where freedom=slavery and it didn’t even require any master plan or deception. All it relied on was the fact that people are inherently shitty and only see and hear what they want to see and hear. And it worked. The people they worship or openly slimeballs and garbage human beings for us all to see with our own eyes. But it worked.
Maybe EU should just take a page from US playbook and ban these services due to national security concerns.
I mean Musk is clearly trying to influence European politics with fake news, half truths and downright lies. Not all that different from Kremlins troll factories.
If there was a GPS for doing the right thing, annoying the Cheeto, Elmo and Zuckershit would be waypoints in all of the offered route alternatives.
Generally oligarchs can dot his to their own countries because they buy off the regime whores…
Do these parasites expect EU regime whores to do their bidding for free?
Paywalled, can’t read.
Here you go:
that solves the paywall issue but the poor guy still can’t read
This guy 😂 take my upvote
Bring back public spanking as a punishment.
You can be certain that if you’re upsetting Trump, Musk, and Zuckerberg, whatever you’re doing is making the world a better place.
“We’re going to work with President Trump to push back on governments around the world that are going after American businesses,” he declared.
Yeah, we know already that you have no interest in a fair market.
Imagine this kind of talk coming out of China.
Surprised pikachu face.
Of look. Here’s my zero fucks.