I really don’t get the bottom-right one
The artist just thought if cows made tools they’d be primitive and weird-looking.
you read my mind. I had the exact thought:
is this the cow tools of today
The kid’s been breaking the windows one-by-one with a paddle ball.
That’s a literally interpretation, but what is the joke? That even with the ball being on a string the kid still found a way to break all the windows?
I feel like the last 2 frames are missing a subscript
I don’t think a caption would improve the vampire panel, the joke is pretty self evident.
As a deer hunter I accept the deer’s proposal. Lotta stress put on that shot, go ahead.
This has such a tom the dancing bug feel. Love the hunter deer one.
The moose one gave me Far Side memories. Actually most of them did.
i get the vampire one but what’s with the others?