“Open Compute” being trademarked is pretty ironic
This seems to be a non-profit
FSFOSI would have trademarked “Open Source” if they could.Well, FSF would have trademarked “Open Source” if they could.
I don’t think they would have?
A) The FSF doesn’t even like the term
B) They haven’t attempted to trademark “free software” or “software freedom” either.
Ahh! Wrong org. It was OSI, not FSF.
TLDR: ROCM is AMD’s variant for general purpose compute on GPUs, like CUDA is for NVIDIA.
OpenAI being for profit.
I use ROCM extensively (I write, design and train my own AIs/LLMs) and it’s annoying of an acronym, especially in command lines:
--rocm- --cuda
But I figure it’s a four letter acronym to match “CUDA”.
I also pronounce it “Rock’em” in verbal versus “Koo’dah” (Barracuda).
Everything is about marketing and goodwill. You can just say something has “blast processing” and fail to elaborate.
boring dystopia smth
Given the context, I choose to believe smth means “shaking my tiny head”.
yes, what else should it mean?
shaking my (trademark) head?
Well, didn’t think about that
Radeon Open Compute Mplatform
Right. Thirsty marketers ruin everything.
They could have at least renamed it to Radeon Operational Compute method or something…
Radeon Open Computational Matrix’m