Cancer tech.
If they only spent this time and money on training the managers to…well, manage their employees.
Stop thinking “time at your desk” is a kpi and start measuring results instead. It cuts the crap employees that are worthless and that in and of itself is a reward to good employees and team morale.
I would rather have a productive employee get results in 4 hours and then leave than a crap employee who needs the full day to get the same job done. Then the good employee will learn to streamline it so they can get the job done in 3 hours and I win because my efficiency went up. They win because they get another hour of their life back daily…or dare I say, they want more work and I give it to them along with a pay increase.
‘time theft’
Right. Treating human beings like robots where any ineffeciancy or time taken to not focus on corporate overlords is bad.
Fuck 'em.
Wage theft is the largest property crime in the US but the state don’t care and parasite will do it if you left them.
Never give a parasite note than what was paid for
And current wages, it ain’t much and hence I shit on company time
That was dystopian as hell to read.
People just need to befriend the IT dept. Who do you think is having to run this shit? Easy to bypass with a beer.
Short simple scripts can handle key presses, you can even add a little logic to ensure it doesn’t follow the same pattern and give you a workday countdown to boot.
Late stage capitalism is now turning inward. What a time to be alive.
there will be a $4.5 billion employee-monitoring-technology market, mostly in North America
Toxic workplaces being toxic. That said, workplace monitoring is mostly not allowed here.
Just another reason to keep away from shitty offices then!
My workplace installed desk presence sensors and has a stupid little robot roomba thing that drives up and down the rows documenting who’s in their seats.
Man, what sort of
sweatshopindustry is this so I can avoid it?IT
I don’t know if this is a joke or not…
I am genuinely not joking. We on-boarded this bullshit:
fuck with the sensor
So obviously people at my work did this. They sent out an email warning us that abuse of organization property would be met with progressive discipline (like LWOP and dismissal)
having worked in a call center my response would be lol
these jobs can’t keep enough people as is, you ‘d have to kill someone or fuck the ceos wife to get fired
Pretty sure IR lasers fry cameras - set one up in the robots path
I would kick that shit like a soccer ball idc if i get fired
This shit should count as abuse and be illegal
Right but at the end of the day: you kick it, you feel like you took a stand, your employer either outright fires you or gives you a week LWOP and then you have less money (either temporarily or permanently). Cost outweighs the benefit for most at my work.
I have the privlage of having a few months to look for a new job.
Evwry day we passively accept these changes we become indistinguishable from slaves.
Where I live there are no such protections. You find a job or way to make money or you fall behind on your bills which go into collections. The choice is between feeding your cat/dog/child, or standing up for what you know should be right.
Best manager ever. Doesn’t chit chat and cleans the floor.
More like makes false negatives and marked me 3 times this year (so far) as absent which required a total of 15 minutes in useless frantic Teams calls to verify my location to my manager across the country -_-
So, in other words… Big Brother is watching