From the grounds of a gas-fired power plant on the eastern shores of Canada, a little-known company is pumping a slurry of minerals into the ocean in the name of stopping climate change.
Whether it’s pollution or a silver bullet that will save the planet may depend on whom you ask.
From shore, a pipe releases a mixture of water and magnesium oxide — a powdery white mineral used in everything from construction to heartburn pills that Planetary Technologies, based in Nova Scotia, is betting will absorb more planet-warming gases into the sea.
“Restore the climate. Heal the ocean,” reads the motto stamped on a shipping container nearby.
You know what would really help burning less fossil fuels.
I know you’re being ironic because that is for sure the real solution, but we’re in a too dire a situation to just focus on fossil fuels.
I feel like this is the exact opposite of what anyone should do, but then I’m not an environmentalist or anything like that. I’m just some guy.
Kinda scary. We don’t know what the unforeseen consequences are.