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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023

  • i wouldnt say im an expert at it as ive only had my media server for a month now, but how i approached making it user friendly was buying a domain name, and using a cloudflare tunnel to link your ip addresses/port to a subdomain.domain combination.

    e.g i have overseer accessible by overseerr.domainname.extention and have it linked to the servers ipadress and port number. if i wanted to add another one, i would for example add a new subdomain and do the same (e.g plex.domainname.extention and point it to the correct ip/port combo)

    although this has the cost of owning a domain, it doesnt require you to open a port so its better for security reasons

  • the reason it wont happen is because the components of a pc is a conglomerate of different companies selling parts for profit. virtually none of these companies can take a loss because they get 0 sales in the aftersales market, because PC isnt a closed garden where the company can arbitrarily sell you a service or subscription because you basically dont have a choice, else receive limited functionality (on a device that already on its own has limited functionality vs a pc)

    for instance, its completely silly that console users have to PAY for a sub to get online service for paid games, invluding for games the console company doesnt even pay server hosting for.

  • basically the only way it would ever remotely work is if countries adopted the south korean method of identy. they have a kssn used for basic identity purposes, and a seperate id for tax/money related purposes. if a country has both as the same ID, it becomes MAJOR liability if a company had leaked the number. having seperate identity and financial numbers removes the financial risk if the identity value was leaked.

    although of course, it removes privacy as the government now can track users (e. g how korea tracks children’s game playing time online, as a KSSN is required to register to play)