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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • Ah yes, my last company bought into that crap. They called it RPA for Robotic Process Automation and they also used it to access internal apps that we had full control of.

    It wouldn’t have been so bad if they just used it to enter data into third party websites which had no APIs or integrations.

    At one point we updated the title of an HTML page and we had to revert the change because the RPA team said it would be a three week turnaround to fix their script.

    I noped out of there not long after, it was yet another “project management driven” company where managers and project managers were repeatedly duped by vendors and outsourcing firms instead of hiring and retaining developers.

  • One of the defining characteristics of Southwest is that they ONLY fly 737s (Boeing). That and their focus on domestic flights helps them offer good rates and low/non-existent fees. I guess their maintenance only has to focus on one plane. However, it seems like they got caught up in Boeing’s “737 MAX is the same plane” scam because they fly some of those too and I believe it affected their stock.

  • Gens Y, X, Z, and soon A are being taught by conservatives that capitalism can’t be reformed, and therefore are digging capitalism’s grave with their own hands.

    You want reasonable restrictions on firearms? Conservatives say that can’t be done because of the 2nd amendment. They’re basically teaching gens Z and A that the 2nd amendment needs to be eliminated and those generations might actually have the numbers to do it eventually.

    It will be the same with capitalism. You want reasonable regulations and taxation to reign in the abuses of the rich and corporations? Conservatives say you can’t do that because the free market must be supreme.

    Conservatives will dig the grave of capitalism by continuing to fight against any reforms that would make capitalism more livable for future generations.

  • I primarily use GitHub CLI to interact with the GitHub API, not Git. I don’t really see it as an extension of the Git CLI, which I use much more frequently. Everything you can do with it can also be done through their REST API.

    I use it for things that aren’t really git features, like:

    Syncing repository admin, pull request, and branch control settings across multiple repositories

    Checking the status of self-hosted actions runners

    Creating pull requests, auto-approving them

  • How do we fix it? Israel shot themselves in the foot by keeping the Palestinians divided and ensuring that a two state solution can not be viable. Therefore, the UN needs to step in and implement a one state solution. Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank would be given citizenship and representation in a combined state. UN peacekeeping forces would have to fight against groups of terrorists (both Hamas and Israeli) who oppose this solution.

    Israel has the right to exist, but no one has an inherent right to an apartied ethno-state. The combined state would have a more equal amount of Jews and Arabs, so the Israelis would be unable to oppress the Palestinians the way they currently do.

    Is this a popular solution? No. Will anyone seriously argue that a two state solution is still viable and that Israel will work towards that? No.

    The idea of a Palestine controlled by the UN was actually part of the original plan for the region that the British drew up, before they decided to use the Zionists as a convenient tool to screw over the Arabs.

    The current state of affairs weakens the entire idea of the United Nations as a tool for preventing major worldwide conflicts. If Israel continues to get away with ignoring international law, and if the US continues to veto UN resolutions that seek to hold Israel accountable, it contributes to moving the world closer to WW3.

    People will say that the situation is much more complicated than just “European colonizers oppress yet another group of brown people”. Fine, if that is true then that is a good reason why the US should not be taking one side over the other, and the US government should back out and let the UN do what needs to be done.

  • Part of the issue is that their sales pitch to get management to onboard is full of outright lies. They have one chart that basically shows that they are the leading cloud provider, beating out AWS and Azure.

    As a software engineer I called them out on their bullshit right away. Sure, you can build pages on Salesforce, similar to SharePoint and some other CMS products, but it is NOT a platform that is truly competing with AWS or Azure.

    Management still proceeded to go full hog into Salesforce as our “development platform” and pay consultants 300$ an hour to build shit solutions that should have just been built with standard languages on real cloud platforms. I left that dumpster file shortly after.

    Now it almost seems like Salesforce is a joke in the industry, since many companies made those same mistakes and got stuck with huge bills and having to eventually back out. It doesnt help them that they basically priced themselves out of the CRM space, by trying to get you to build everything on their “platform”.

  • So you’re saying that the major issues with storage and transportation of hydrogen have been resolved? Do you have a source? Everything that I’ve read today is that they still can’t store it without it evaporating at a pretty high rate.

    In an abstract sense, I understand that FCEVs WILL be better once infrastructure exists and the problems with transportation and evaporation are resolved. Ideally the hydrogen would be used as energy storage for renewable sources, though my understanding is that most hydrogen produced today is produced using oil and gas.

    The reality is that I’m going to need to replace my ICE in the next year or two, and there is not currently a FCEV available for me to replace it with or infrastructure for me to fuel it. My house gets good sun, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to power my small amount of driving with my own solar and a BEV

    It’s not really productive to say that people who support BEV over ICE are stuck in the past. What would you recommend people do? If your answer is “buy another ICE until hydrogen is a realistic option”, isn’t that MORE stuck in the past than someone advocating for BEVs?