Everything was freshly installed and updated including the OS (PopOS as I’m running it on my gaming PC)
Everything was freshly installed and updated including the OS (PopOS as I’m running it on my gaming PC)
I know ads are very hated here, but I wouldn’t be against an ad at a reasonable cadence to increase sustainability. Then create a pro version that gets rid of ads that’s like $2-5 a month or $30 a year. The real problem is the exploitation of this system like Reddit/Insta feeding an ad every other post. Or Twitter charging nearly $13 a month for a check mark.
The sync app got so much hate for having ads during the original migration, but a lot of us here are devs and we should definitely get paid for our effort and be able to maintain our infrastructure without our of pocket money.
Used Mastodon for two days. Not a great platform imo. Been using Bluesky for a few months and having a decent time, but sometimes it’s hard getting fed the content I want (not sure if it exists in general there).
Also have been a decently heavy Twitter user since 2013 ish
Instances aren’t necessarily a thing in atProto because an instance usually refers to a single server. But you can see people’s posts from selfhosted PDS/relays yes.
If you can build your own or selfhost each of the following to read and push back to all of the atProto protocol:
Backend Relay
And you still say that’s not decentralized I’m not sure what you’re looking for nor what your definition of decentralization is.
Open protocols and APIs seem pretty meaningless to me if there’s a single point of control for the brand.
You’d need to expand on this more for me to understand you. Yes there’s a single point of control from a moderation standpoint (labeler), as there is on Lemmy instances. But anyone can host their own ATProto relays and the Bluesky relay will federate with each other automatically.
If everyone migrates to bluesky and then bluesky says “of we’re not doing that open thing anymore because of this new embiggened thing we’re doing” everyone will still be on bluesky.
Not necessarily because the accounts are atProto accounts and you can migrate to another platform(albeit another doesn’t exist yet) without data loss. As far as the Bluesky app goes it really just shows you atProto posts and hosts your data (similar to Lemmy instances) they as an entity just also maintain the OSS backend Relay crawler and more.
I really think a lot of people have this perspective that it’s not decentralized just because it truly is a lot more complicated due to there being like 5 different moving pieces of decentralization (PDS, Relay, Appview, tbd labeler, algorithm) and they do a great job at obscuring it for regular users which is a great thing. And nobody has really tinkered around and set-up any sites or integrations with it yet. I’m personally trying to get a two way mastodon integration as it’s possible but nobody has done a solid implementation (just somewhat gnarly bridges between protocols)
This isn’t necessarily true. Just because their architecture is harder and not a simple server host does not strip away its decentralization.
They have decentralized the following:
App access (can build your own or show openProto posts in your platform
Firehouse (backend albeit rumored to be expensive)
More if you consider the domain name hosting stuff and media storage control. Also moderation is planned to be decentralized.
Would love for you to describe exactly how it’s more complicated. From my perspective I click a single button and it’s set up. To log in I get a notification on my device, I click a button and I’m logged in.
As a heavy tiktok user I would probably only use this if it had an algorithmic feed.
Perhaps a bad example because most people undermine them, but China has still decided to move forward with 4 different nuclear facilities this year despite having an ABUNDANCE of solar manufacturing. If they found that decision worthwhile I would think the opposite, assuming most of the reasoning is current battery tech can’t sustain dark periods at a massive scale, but I’m not an expert.
Also just saw you mentioned nuclear costs in another comment, I suggest you look at South Korea and China’s cost per facility compared to the US, they’re able to build and maintain facilities at about half the US does.
The article talks about why they’d prefer to shut down if you take their word it. Essentially the US is such a tiny portion of ByteDances revenue, it would be more optimal to shut down then to risk the sale of their algorithm. Assuming they’re using relatively similar algorithms on Douyin, and they don’t want whoever they sell to to turn around and sell to their Chinese competition, which is where the real money is being made for ByteDance.
From the Brave PR account:
Also I believe it was legally required by the EU. List is randomized.
The can very easily apply to every single social media.
There’s was a surprisingly great 6 minute video from CNN done on this in January.
This is referring to the team working on the self driving functionality.
The “hospital bombing” Was a Hamas rocket
This was independently verified as an IDF rocket from multiple sources. Also what about the other 7 hospitals bombed?
Yeah a military will kill their enemies when there’s a war.
Snipers are executing children with bullets to the head. Men are released blindfolded to run and be executed via bullet. This is not what many would be considered, “normal war killing”
There is humanitarian aid going in. There is a border between Egypt and Gaza, it’s mostly just Egypt is being weird causing problems.
Not only is the IDF stopping aid into Gaza as are Israel citizens.
A lot of the humanitarian problems are because there are so many people in Rafah, a place that doesn’t have the infrastructure to handle that many people
Interesting that Israel specifically chose this as a place to evacuate civilians to, and despite that still decided to do both a bombing and ground invasion.
what’s left of their homes to the north
There is nothing left. The IDFs entire plan was the destruction of civilian infrastructure and we’re already seeing Israeli settlers moving into these western locations.
Tiktok is getting worse… for users. Not for “itself”.
The article also makes some very large assumptions about longer length tiktoks being inherently worse for its audience.
I for one would love longer length tiktoks, and as for those who don’t the algorithm is extremely efficient and will filter out that style of content for those who don’t.
This is similar to the shop discussion, tiktoks gives full control over filtering this out via the #shop hashtag and disabling the shop tab.
The article really creates artificial problems with the app to justify its own existence when really these aren’t major issues that would lead to the downfall of a company or reduction in users.
Personally I’ll be the first to stop using a platform when they spam me with ads (Instagram). But tiktok is generally very manageable, much more than most other forms of social media.
No Iraq officials condemned the attacks and accused the US of violating the countries sovereignty.
"These strikes constitute a violation of Iraqi sovereignty, an undermining of the efforts of the Iraqi government, and a threat that will drag Iraq and the region into undesirable consequences, the consequences of which will be dire for security and stability in Iraq and the region,” Yahya Rasool Iraqi commander in chief
I don’t mind this being done through the government site, but it shouldn’t be done by a third party business.
One of Trump’s biggest issues with Canada is supposably US banks not being allowed access. I would not put it past him to attempt to deny the reverse on a whim leaving you high and dry.
I know it’s very hated but this is precisely why crypto was created, just keep it in a stablecoin (USDT, DAI) instead of a variable price coin. Obviously it’s not usable as a payment system yet, I typically use credit cards for everything then pay them off monthly.