Oh they’re totally preparing to see how far they can invade us and how far in we’ll invite them in before fighting back
America is compromised, to what extent we know they aren’t our friends or what extent we are willingly letting them gain the advantage I am not sure. I think this administration is so full of useful idiots and paid off assets it doesn’t matter the end result is the same: no more allies, new “allies” that are poised to invade and win without support of the former allies
Oh they’re totally preparing to see how far they can invade us and how far in we’ll invite them in before fighting back
America is compromised, to what extent we know they aren’t our friends or what extent we are willingly letting them gain the advantage I am not sure. I think this administration is so full of useful idiots and paid off assets it doesn’t matter the end result is the same: no more allies, new “allies” that are poised to invade and win without support of the former allies