• gmtom@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    How do you prove my point way better than I could, but still act like you made a point against me?

    Like you say Trump pardoned them, and almost 50% of the country had no problem with that.

    You mention guantanamo, but it’s still open and nobody cares.

    And not to mention things like the Hague invasion act, where the US says it will literally invade Europe if the ICC tries to bring an American to court for war crimes. And most of the US doesn’t care, hell a lot fucking support that idea cuz 'murica.

    And anyway you completely fucking misread my comment. I’m not saying palestine is innocent because America did bad things. Its not whattaboutism its me saying “what if this was happening to you”? What I’d some chud decided that it was fair to punish the whole USA because shitty people in your country have a lot of support.

    That’s the point of the comment that you so conveniently ignored.