• المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Lawfare is actually just some made up concept

      … so Zionists can run away from human rights violations.

      Having visisted the Topography of Terror museum, I can see how the Nazi propaganda machine is not much different from the BS you are speading here.

      When they seek the protection of international law, as did the people of Gaza, and take steps to hold state actors accountable for their illegal actions, they are engaging in what Israel defines as “lawfare”: when “terrorists” employ international law as a weapon against democracies.

      From “How Israel Undermines International Law Through “Lawfare”” by the ISRAELI HUMAN RIGHTS GROUP ICAHD (before you say some bullshit like ‘QatAri FunDeD MedIA’ or ‘itS jUsT a RePoRt!!!’)

      If you respect or care about Jewish Israelis, please listen to them.

      Source: https://icahd.org/2019/05/24/how-israel-undermines-international-law-through-lawfare/