Practices recorded by UNRWA include the use of a nail gun on prisoners’ knees, sexual abuse against both men and women and the insertion of what appears to be an electrified metal stick into prisoners’ rectums.

  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
    7 months ago

    Bud your link literally has nothing to do with this post and the specific allegations in this Al Jazeera coverage of a certain report. Seems like you’re emotions are pretty heavily wrapped up in all this. Good luck with that.

    Now make a list of Hamas’s war crimes. And make a list of everyone who’s ever been prosecuted by Hamas for a war crime. The list is zero people long. How you going to sit here and condemn Israel when they at least have a justice system based on something other than total religious superstition and hysteria, which is what they have in Gaza?

      7 months ago

      “If any of the accounts

      There’s plenty, which is what I just proved. Your trolling just relied on putting down the source, so there’s the UN experts.

      That doesn’t change anything though, you IDF trolls tend to argue “UN is actually led by Hamas”.

      “Now make a list of Hamas’ warcrimes”

      First off,

      Secondly, did your mom never teach you two wrongs don’t make a right?

      Thirdly, the death toll in #Gaza has surpassed 30,000 — a large majority women and children.

      But again, you’re just gonna argue that all those kids were Hamas.

      Fourth, is the state of Israel a member of the UN or a terrorist organisation? Because there are standards for members of the UN, whereas for terrorist organisations…

      There is no depth to what sort of mental gymnastics you’ll get up to defending Israel’s atrocities, because you can’t even conceive you’ve been brainwashed.

      It turns my stomach.

      Also you edited your earlier comment after my reply to it. Tsk tsk

          7 months ago

          Sure it is, lil’ trollito.

          That’s why you now ignore everything previously discussed. Because you argue that “if any of the reports are true” and then I link the UN Human Rights Office report about sexual assaults on Palestinians, and you conveniently ignore that.

          You also ignore how you’re using whataboutism, a known propaganda technique, to try to say “well, but what about Hamas’ crimes”. But weirdly you don’t answer when I ask you is Israel a member of the UN or a terrorist organisation?

          Just like I said, no limit to your mental gymnastics. IDF trolls, smh

          You don’t feel the tiniest bit guilty defending a supposedly democratic state that is slaughtering children? Over 12,300 children have been killed in Gaza. Were they all Hamas members? Or perhaps just innocent Palestinians?

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
            7 months ago

            Bud your link did the same thing as the Al Jazeera article. It found reports troubling. It didn’t verify the reports. Hamas has as a tactic exaggerating and lying and the population helps them with it. It is working on you.

            Oh boo hoo I didn’t answer your loaded and nonsense rhetorical question. Are you quizzing me on UN member states?

            My position is pretty consistent I think. Not really any mental gymnastics involved. I have a consistent model.

            I find your model inconsistent and ignorant. Do I feel guilty? No. I’m sad for the dead for sure but this was and remains part of Hamas’s plan after October 7. They should surrender but martyrdom is a revered tradition in Hamas’s Gaza, so they won’t. There answer to every ceasefire proposal is no. They could turn themselves in and scuttle the tunnels right now and not one more bomb would fall, but Hamas and their faithful literally want as many fellow civilians to die as possible. Look how well it has worked on you.

            Tell me, is telling your countrymen that calls to evacuate are a hoax and to instead go stand on the roof of your building a legitimate tactic of resistance?

            • المنطقة عكف عفريت
              7 months ago

              Tell me, is telling your countrymen that calls to evacuate are a hoax and to instead go stand on the roof of your building a legitimate tactic of resistance?

              Do you have a source for this?

              I asked you about 4 times now and you never provide any source. I think I will assume it’s just BS.

              7 months ago

              Oh boo hoo I didn’t answer your loaded and nonsense rhetorical question. Are you quizzing me on UN member states?

              You’re trying to compare Israel and Hamas.

              Thus we need to establish what you’re comparing.

              Code of conduct?

              So your standard for the expected conduct from a UN member state is the same as from a terrorist organisation?

              Because Israel is breaking laws that UN member have agreed to respect.

              There aren’t any credible reports of Israeli hostages being raped. Not one.

              There’s tons of credible reports of Israelis abusing Palestinians.

              Your position is consistent, yes. The position being “never question anything Israel is doing no matter how horrible it is”. The same as citizens of Nazi Germany.

              Warning someone you’re gonna bomb them doesn’t absolve you of bombing them. Bombing civilians is a war crime no matter how many nice notes you give in advance.

              They could turn themselves in and scuttle the tunnels right now and not one more bomb would fall

              This kind of brainwashing is impossible to fight

              this was and remains part of Hamas’s plan after October 7

              “My country is genociding women and children on purpose but it’s all actually morally right, because revenge is moral and right.”

              My god, you’re like one of those tiny-penis antifeminist bodybuilders, who get slapped by a tiny girl for behaving like an asshole and then you hit knock them on the ground with a fist to the face so hard they get permanent brain damage and then you look at everyone and go “she started it.”

              It’s honestly baffling to me that people like you exist. The delusions which you labour under are fascinating. I don’t understand how some people can literally ignore reality to the extent you are.

              You’re claiming that UN and 150+ states are spreading Hamas propaganda, but that Israel is the only one tellingthe truth despite a lack of any evidence and killing 12 300 children, which you consider morally defensible.

              It’s sickening.

              • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                7 months ago

                ? UN and 150 states? There’s like 11 cosigner’s to South Africa’s UN petition, and they are all shit hole third world authoritarian states with their own atrocious human rights records.

                No, I stand with virtually all of Washington DC and all of the foreign service and intelligence communities in the western world.

                You are drinking propaganda of people trying to reelect Trump. Period.

                I’m not comparing Israel and Hamas to say they should behave the same. I’m saying Hamas does not behave as a member of the international community and therefore it is not one. Gaza is unincorporated lawless territory that is basically free to anyone who can establish a legal system there. Hamas did so, even if is based on religious hysteria, and look what they used it for? Suicide bombings and mass shootings, year in year out.

                It’s fine if Gaza wants to live like it’s the year 900. Stay the fuck in Gaza, then. Don’t take international money. Don’t smuggle in weapons and fighters and try and invade your neighbors. They couldn’t do that. So now they have to go.

                And zero people will miss Hamas.

                Stop putting words in my mouth. I continually condemn Israeli war crimes and call for the perpetrators to be prosecuted. And that might actually happen in Israel, because it’s not a lawless ungovernable hellhole, incapable of protecting human rights for anyone.

                  7 months ago

                  No, I stand with virtually all of Washington DC and all of the foreign service and intelligence communities in the western world.

                  You’re ridiculous. Like I said, there’s no fighting such brainwashing. So I’m not debating you anymore, I’m replying because I wish to see all the pathetic excuses you come up with, so you make a fool of yourself for all the world to see, and vocally support a genocide.


                  Member States adopted a resolution, demanding an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and well as “ensuring humanitarian access”.

                  It passed with a large majority of 153 in favour and 10 against, with 23 abstentions

                  How many is that, huh?

                  I’m not comparing Israel and Hamas to say they should behave the same. I’m saying Hamas does not behave as a member of the international community and therefore it is not one

                  No shit? Thus there is no way of trying to enforce Hamas, a terrorist organisation, to uphold it’s agreement with the UN; because it’s not a state nor a member of the UN.

                  Israel is.

                  Israel has committed to following the Geneva conventions. Something they are now purposefully breaking, by torturing and raping prisoners, attacking aid convoys, and killing over 12,300 children. ALL OF WHICH you try to excuse with “well Hamas had it coming”.

                  You don’t recognise that Hamas isn’t Palestine. Palestine is a nation. Hamas is not. Israel is using Hamas’ attacks as an excuse to genocide Palestine.

                  That’s about as proportional an ethical of a response as if hypothetically I dated your sister, then she dumped me, and for that, I torture and kill your entire family.

                  I continually condemn Israeli war crimes and call for the perpetrators to be prosecuted.

                  Okay so you admit they are genociding Palestine? You admit Israel is committing crimes against humanity? But you think that Israel itself will judge itself for these acts, and prosecute itself? Haiyaaa, like I said, no fighting brainwashing like that.


                  These have included murder, intentional targeting of civilians, killing prisoners of war and surrendered combatants, indiscriminate attacks, collective punishment, starvation, the use of human shields, sexual violence and rape, torture, pillage, forced transfer, breach of medical neutrality, targeting journalists, attacking civilian and protected objects, wanton destruction, incitement to genocide, and genocide.

                  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                    7 months ago

                    Look bud, you go to NY and spend some time at unga and then come talk about symbolic votes at the UN.

                    Right, no way to force Gaza. International law is based on custom and tradition and arguments that have worked in the past. Israel faces an unprecedented threat because of the tunnel system and lawfare, and both are the primary strategies by which Hamas perpetuates its criminal enterprise.

                    You mistake proportionality. I would say that u2ssing conventional weapons to destroy the enemy’s ability to repeat a conventional attack by destroying the mechanism of attack is always proportionate.

                    The tunnels are the mechanism and they are, for the most part, the target. That’s proportionate. Period. That the targets are surrounded by human shields does not go to proportionality, it goes to the rules of engagement.

                    No, I do not think that isolated war crimes equates to genocide. Genocide is a formal policy and an intentional enterprise. I do not think the locally directed rhetoric of extreme Israeli politicians who are about to lose office is evidence of formal policy when that rhetoric doesn’t match the facts on the ground. Myanmar was using helicopter strafing runs to gun down fleeing Rohyne women and children by the hundreds and napalming villages from which no rockets were ever launched and which had no tunnel shafts. The Nazis got too sad lining up women and babies by the thousands in a tench and then shooting them at close range so they built gas chambers, first mobile ones that could do 10 or 15 Jews at a time, then whole purpose-built facilities. And the perpetrators didn’t warn anyone.

                    This is more to me like how the Americans dropped leaflets before they dropped bombs when we struck Nazi positions in occupied France and elsewhere.

                    So no, I don’t think calling people on the telephone and asking them to leave while Israel bombs out the tunnels is either indiscriminate or genocidal.

                    But when Hamas goes and tells everyone those phone calls are a hoax and to go stand up on the roof, I do find that to be intentional genocide.