Do you think that the consistent trend worldwide of male suicides being a higher proportion that female suicides is actually incorrect and it is either balanced or the ratio actually skews towards more female suicides?
If not, what is the purpose of trying to undermine the overall results by focusing entirely on the possibility that they might not be exactly correct?
Total numbers aren’t relevant for ratios unless the numbers are low enough that the ratio swings wildly from year to year.
Low numbers could also mean that the tracking/reporting in that country isn’t very good and therefore the data isn’t reliable.
In some cultures suicide has a very negative stigma attached to it, which can result in suicide deaths being reported with other causes.
Aka in the In-Famous Korean Fan Deaths
Do you think that the consistent trend worldwide of male suicides being a higher proportion that female suicides is actually incorrect and it is either balanced or the ratio actually skews towards more female suicides?
If not, what is the purpose of trying to undermine the overall results by focusing entirely on the possibility that they might not be exactly correct?