I’m pretty brutal on my machines, and if my 8 gig m1 really only starts to beach ball when multiple accounts are open, and those accounts all have bloated multimedia software running.
My 16 gig machines can handle that use case fine, but the 8 gig machine will occasionally beach ball.
Personally, I won’t buy an 8 gig config again. But I’m a fucking monster that leaves a million bloated things open across multiple active user sessions.
It’s okay if you run efficient OS on it, not the case.
That doesn’t help with memory hungry apps though.
There are people who never touch anything but the browser and email. For them the SSD keeping some page files is good enough
OSX is waaaay more memory efficient than windows…
Yeah my blueprint of efficient os it isn’t Windows also.
The recent stats I’ve seen indicate macOS usually uses more ram
Have you used an 8 gig ARM Mac?
I’m pretty brutal on my machines, and if my 8 gig m1 really only starts to beach ball when multiple accounts are open, and those accounts all have bloated multimedia software running.
My 16 gig machines can handle that use case fine, but the 8 gig machine will occasionally beach ball.
Personally, I won’t buy an 8 gig config again. But I’m a fucking monster that leaves a million bloated things open across multiple active user sessions.