“We’re sorry we got caught.”
Also internally : “The result of our cleverly disguised market study came in, there is still too much backlash against it right now. Try again in 6 months.”
So, so sick of these pathetic companies monetizing everything to the max to the detriment of everything else, then saying “Oopsie mistake! That was not intended” when the backlash is too great. If they said “our publisher was not content with making a great profit, we wanted to ruin your experience to maximize shareholder returns, but you folks all complained too much and it’s now affecting our reputation”, I would at least respect the honesty…
“What you don’t want to pay $1 each time you reload a gun in game??” - John Riccitiello
Pff, look at all these silly, price sensitive, players.
Ban all forms of taking money inside video games.
Bug aside - the game plays slower than Ganondorf in Super Smash Bros. Braw…