I know a lot of people go with French, it’s supposedly the language of romance etc. but it’s never done anything for me. German, on the other hand, drives me crazy! Something about hearing German just does it for me, I don’t know what it is.
What about you, what would you say is the sexiest sounding language?
Definitely has to be C#
I’d prefer a swift action
Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian
Oooh, I just googled to listen to what Romanian sounds like, and I really like that! It’s like a mix of Italian and Russian, which I wouldn’t think would work well together but it randomly does, I can definitely see that as being very sexy!
行く! 行く!
Russian, it sounds like uwu speak
…That’s unique. uwuspeak is hot to you?
I’m also going to agree on German actually… although it’s not something I’ve ever thought about! Moans are really what get me :)
Sign language, but with boobs instead of hands
I like the sound of Italian, or spanish