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During a recent episode of The Verge’s Decoder podcast, Logitech CEO Hanneke Faber shed some possible insight into the company’s view on one of its most important products. Saying that “the mouse built this house,” Faber shares the planning behind a Forever Mouse, a premium product that the company hopes will be the last you ever have to buy. There’s also a discussion about a subscription-based service and a deeper focus on AI.

For now, details on a Forever Mouse are thin, but you better believe there will be a catch. The Instant Pot was a product so good that customers rarely needed to buy another one. The company went bankrupt.

    7 months ago

    Not impressed with Logitech lately. Was on a trip and needed to pick up a wireless kb and mouse, and went with a logitech. Used a single dongle which was ok. Would have preferred bluetooth, but I can handle a dongle. Got it hooked up and to my dismay if you move away further than about 1 foot, the mouse got really jumpy, and you could tell they were both losing connection. What’s the point of having a wireless mouse and kb if you have to be within inches of the device. Ended up picking up a usb extension cable and moving the dongle closer to where I had the kb and mouse. Janky solution for something that shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place. Sorry Logitech, subscription based anything is a hard no for me!