Apologies for the slightly off-topic post…

It’s not looking good, folks…

George R R Martin confirms he hasn’t written anything for the 2 remaining A Song Of Ice And Fire books since 2022.

He wishes that they were finished.

The last published book in the series, A Dance With Dragons, was published in July 2011, now 13 years ago.

Obligatory song that’s now 12 years old… https://youtu.be/j7lp3RhzfgI

  • LordGimp@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Then he turns around and tithes to one of the most socially backwards, openly corrupt churches to be formed in the last 200 years.

    If that wasn’t bad enough, he scammed the community into backing a 43 million dollar kickstarter for an exclusive, never-to-be-released-on-audible project. Not even a year after release, he reverses completely and releases everything to audible without even a credit to the backers.

    Absolute scam artist. I’m 85% convinced he’s gonna come out with a Salt Lake City “creativity compound” where he’s got a 20 cell sweatshop of indentured “employees” pumping out cosmere drafts. Dude has had creepy Cosby vibes for years and there’s definitely a reason somewhere.