Going by those numbers, most of Indy’s kills are via other means than shooting them – the only movie in which most were from him shooting people was Raiders of the Lost Ark – but I don’t know if I’d call it “so rare”.
Yeah, the immediate problem with comparing gun to non-gun kills is that anything involving a gun is automatically more likely to result in someone dead. So it doesn’t really give you a picture of how Indy likes to approach problems. And once a gun does become the tool of choice in a scene, the body count is likely to rack up a lot faster. You can show five people getting gunned down much faster than you can show one Nazi getting his head propellered off. Guns tend to be how disposable mooks die, but signature enemies get the more elaborate deaths.
I was just trying to grab the above because it’s a famous example of Indy not doing that, but aight, let’s put some numbers on it.
This guy looks like he’s gone to the trouble of highlighting Indy’s kills:
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Kills via shooting: 5
Kills via other means: 4
Temple of Doom
Kills via shooting: 1
Kills via other means: 20
The Last Crusade
Kills via shooting: 6
Kills via other means: 7
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Kills via shooting: 0
Kills via other means: 1
Going by those numbers, most of Indy’s kills are via other means than shooting them – the only movie in which most were from him shooting people was Raiders of the Lost Ark – but I don’t know if I’d call it “so rare”.
But not every altercation he has ends in the death of someone so i don’t know if deaths is the metric to measure it by
Yeah, the immediate problem with comparing gun to non-gun kills is that anything involving a gun is automatically more likely to result in someone dead. So it doesn’t really give you a picture of how Indy likes to approach problems. And once a gun does become the tool of choice in a scene, the body count is likely to rack up a lot faster. You can show five people getting gunned down much faster than you can show one Nazi getting his head propellered off. Guns tend to be how disposable mooks die, but signature enemies get the more elaborate deaths.