Thanks Nintendo! You’re giving me even more reasons to not buy any of your crap. It’s been years since I bought something from you and I’m happy you keep doing your best to help me with my decision.
How long until grandpoobear is banned from posting their content for having poo in their name, just like they deleted all his Mario maker levels for having the word poo in them?
Just bought a steamdeck (switch is objectively inferior)
We could honestly probably say it’s empirically inferior.
Okay, keep digging your own grave Nintendo. Twitch streamers and YouTubers are a major source of advertising for you, even for back-catalog stuff. The only reason why I see Nintendo directs is because a streamer I enjoy watches them. My interest in Nintendo stuff is pretty low but I’ve been persuaded to buy a few Nintendo games as a result of YouTube or twitch videos. But here’s the thing: these guys have no filter. They swear constantly and love innuendo. They will probably get caught in Nintendo’s net and stop streaming Nintendo stuff. As a result, I will no longer be paying attention to what Nintendo’s doing.
gives Nintendo the liberty to not only take legal action but also ban a user from any future use of their IPs in content making.
Features graphic, explicit, harmful, or otherwise offensive content, including statements or actions that may be considered offensive, insulting, obscene or otherwise disturbing to others;
About 9,880,000 results (0.20 seconds)
Sounds like they’ve got their work cut out for themselves.
Until they come across the right person inside the EU, then they are fucked. :)
Anti consumer tos are strictly prohibited. For example you could even sue your way out of a ban when you cheated because they keep you out of consuming a product you paid for.
They literally cant take action in 99,99% of cases.
Maybe mark your link as NSFW?
Friendly reminder that it’s really fucking stupid to click links without reading them, and I mean really fucking stupid.
Corporations need their shit slapped straight, on the topic of media ownership. If you want control over something - don’t sell it to ten million strangers.
Hope they get teached another lesson.