I hate Nazis

I hate Islamists

I hate Anti-Democratic People in general

I hate anime haters (like seriously why even)

I hate Antisemitism

I hate neo Leftists

I hate Terrorists

I hate dog shit on my sidewalk

I hate big Cars without necessity

I hate people that tolerate any of the above

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Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2024


  • As a network engineer you should be aware that ipv4 doesn’t have enough addresses (thanks Microsoft and “the internet of things” for this) and that the temporary fix is temporary, all new systems and devices do support ipv6 for a reason. And using ipv4 in the internal networks of a company/facility is absolutely fine if there is equipment that doesn’t, the stuff usually doesn’t need to connect to the outside anyway.

    You don’t remember a ipv4 either, you usually connect to stuff with a domain. The ipv4 you remember is probably just the default router website address, as your ipv4 does change regularly, at least the relevant one to the outside.

    Btw ASCII is absolutely outdated for the most part, most shit nowadays is done in UTF-8 (Unicode) as ASCII lacks a load of character.

    QWERTY is still around because the difference to the other options is basically nonexistent and doesn’t justify the relearning of writing on a PC for millions of people, same with every other keyboard layout commonly used today like QUERTZ or AZERTY.

    Currently the fix still holds up, wich is great, but it won’t do so forever, we literally hook up more and more stuff to the internet and everything needs a IP… From the “Smart” light bulb to the newest car receiving radio over the internet, sending emergency messages over the internet and so on. We will someday run out of ipv4 capacity.

    Source: same field of word (i btw absolutely understand that its annoying as shit, cause it is, but we won’t get around it some day)