This is a decent writeup on applying “Zero Tust” principles to a home lab using mostly open source tools. I’m not the author, but thought it was worth sharing.
This is a decent writeup on applying “Zero Tust” principles to a home lab using mostly open source tools. I’m not the author, but thought it was worth sharing.
I, too, don’t love the use of AWS/Cloudflare, while I get that you can simply replace AWS S3 with something else for backups, this server setup is innately based on using Cloudflare.
Maybe I should do a write up on my setup, as I don’t use Cloudflare or AWS. I do use backblaze and OVH
Yes, please!
Will see what I can do, will probably be on
have made a start in documenting what I run, not sure who much of how it runs you want
What is a good alt for cloudflare here tbh?
I’ve done wire guard, and tor service to obfuscate the network, and crowdsec for a good external firewall, and linkerd gateway to actual services (and keycloak for sso).
Besides adding gotelaport for more fine grained access, idk what else you could do, but even then idk if its still competitive as someone else’s network taking your ddos loads lol
A cheap VPS with headscale. Or just free plan.
ZeroTier looks super cool!