To summarize the woke mind virus, It consists of creating very, very divisive identity politics. It actually amplifies racism, it amplifies, frankly, sexism and all the -isms.

While claiming to do the opposite, it actually divides people and makes them hate each other, and it makes people hate themselves. And it’s also anti-meritocratic. It’s not merit-based.

You want to have people succeed based on how hard they work and their talents, not who they are. Whether they’re man, woman, what race or gender. It’s an artificial mental civil war that is created.

And let me tell you, it’s no fun, okay? Woke mind virus and fun are incompatible. There’s no fun in that. No joy. The woke mind virus is all about condemning people instead of celebrating people. You know, like when in the work, it just doesn’t celebrate. It’s all about condemning and being divisive and I think it’s just evil, frankly.

The full video is here: (if it will pass the censorship filters)