Azul Crescent’s silly scribbles.

Forgive me a moment, I don’t normally editorialize when posting comic strips, but: I appreciate the care expressed by this strip, I can’t help but respond by saying: America has definitively proven itself to be a teeming horde of hateful xenophobic, sexist assholes, how the fuck are we supposed to stay safe from that? Take care of yourself by all means, but it’s seriously time to start considering the inverse.

(Edited to remove sexist language.)

  • merde
    3 months ago

    you forgot to add “sexist” but then “bastard” itself may be considered sexist and patriarchal

    good luck to everyone for the next 4 years. And if donald plays the putin/erdogan card, good luck to everyone for the rest of his reign

    to quote a legendary “American”: SAD!