As someone with ADHD, I will say that adderall helps me stop playing Factorio.
You know that hyperfocus thing we do?
factorio turned that up to 11 if I didn’t take my morning dose before I started to play it. I say before, because if I didn’t take it, it would be 5pm by the time I realize I needed to take it
Without medication I hyperfocus on Factorio but get nothing done. Anything I do get done, ends up being spaghetti and I have to rip it all up later. With my meds I can actually get stuff done instead of staring absentmindedly at the conveyor belts (they are seriously hypnotic) and upgrading a random machine here or there.
As someone with ADHD, I will say that adderall helps me stop playing Factorio.
You know that hyperfocus thing we do?
factorio turned that up to 11 if I didn’t take my morning dose before I started to play it. I say before, because if I didn’t take it, it would be 5pm by the time I realize I needed to take it
Oof. It’s one of those kinds of games, then. Ok, I will steer clear. I don’t need another hyperfocus magnet in my life lol
See also: Cities skylines.
Yeah factorio is an absolute sink hole where time just disappears. I cannot wait for v2.
Without medication I hyperfocus on Factorio but get nothing done. Anything I do get done, ends up being spaghetti and I have to rip it all up later. With my meds I can actually get stuff done instead of staring absentmindedly at the conveyor belts (they are seriously hypnotic) and upgrading a random machine here or there.