For a self-hosted application with a valid SSL certificate and support for OAuth, what are the benefits that Cloudflare Access provides? From what I can tell, it also filters traffic to possibly block attacks? Can it even be used with a self-hosted app if you aren’t also running Cloudflare Tunnel? Is there a better alternative (that also integrates with major OAuth providers like Google, Github, etc) for self-hosters? Thanks for the help in understanding how this works.
Question : what if I need to access my home computer from a work laptop and I’m not allowed to install things such as the WireGuard VPN client. Do I use native say Windows VPN?
Never perform personal tasks on work equipment. If it’s not something you’d expose to the open net, you definitely shouldn’t be accessing it from equipment you don’t own.
Get a personal laptop for remote tasks, or use your phone.
Assuming it’s a Linux server at home and you can use SSH on your work computer, there’s a couple ways to do this.
:Match host "*.cf" ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/cloudflared access ssh --hostname $(echo %h | sed 's/\.cf$/') ForwardAgent yes
Wait don’t you need the Cloudflare agent to be able to connect to a tunnel that’s set up?