Cat-pair programming is the new thing
It’s simple. You re-evaluate your priorities.
I have. Beri has been pet.
Has Beri received enough petting? Because it looks like Beri needs more…
That’s the neat part, you don’t!
In the first pic it kinda looks like he has black lipstick on lol
Factorio spotted in the background, good to see you have the right programming tools
Yes, Minecraft and Element are also absolutely required.
Oooh svelte
You’re out of luck. Cat owns desk until the required number of scritches has been given
Yep, here’s the code and here’s the website:
Time to deploy the decoy keyboard
Turn puring into code. Silently judging your compilation errors.
Most frank code review. A+++.
Try to explain your problems to him/her, the most simplistic way so that they can understand it.
LMAO I actually talk to her while coding! “Alright Beri, so you see, this svelte component puts a div tag around its content…”
I like your rubber duck
You forgot to block out your API key , just blurring is easily reverted
What API key? All of my code is available here, you can see for yourself that there is no API key. Also, this website is client-side only.
Sorry was just a bad attempt at bring funny