just use Garuda if you are a gamer, Qubes or Tails if you wear tin foil as your hat, Mint or Ubuntu if you barely know anything about computers, Arch or Void if you like to tinker with your system, Slackware or Gentoo if you hate yourself, Alma or Debian testing if you need a secure server, openSuse Tumbleweed or Kde neon if you like KDE and productivity
As Debian testing doesn’t get (all) security fixes, it is NOT ment for running a secure server. This is what stable is for. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting
just use Garuda if you are a gamer, Qubes or Tails if you wear tin foil as your hat, Mint or Ubuntu if you barely know anything about computers, Arch or Void if you like to tinker with your system, Slackware or Gentoo if you hate yourself, Alma or Debian testing if you need a secure server, openSuse Tumbleweed or Kde neon if you like KDE and productivity
The preferred nomenclature is ‘learning experience,’ thank you very much
that’s Arch
As Debian testing doesn’t get (all) security fixes, it is NOT ment for running a secure server. This is what stable is for. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting
If I use CentOS? (It’s on an embedded system I work on. Most of the time I am actually running it in a VM inside of winblows.