George Carlin - It’s A Big Club & You Ain’t In It!
George Carlin had a net worth of $10 million at the time of his death in 2008.
Adjusted for inflation that would be $14,653,441 in 2024.
The minimum net worth of the top 1% of households is roughly $13.7 million.
So, Carlin was in the “big club” of the 1%.
class solidarity from Carlin; yet OP is a solidarity backstabber
We have seen a lot of this weird sentiment…
Brian Thompson is a working class hero
Luigi is a elite
Carlin is part of the of the club because he died with boomer type money…
He was rich but he didn’t control the capital nor did he shill the ruling class propaganda
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That’s not a shower thought by a long shot. And you’re a class traitor. Go away.
$10 million is chump change on the scales we’re talking about.
The top 1% earn 650,000 a year. George Carlin doing standup for 50 years he would have earned 200,000 a year if you split that up equally over his career, and then there is the 21 years prior to his standup career.
Even if this was correct (see the comments about how it really isn’t), it wouldn’t matter much since he was still right.
And $10 million isn’t really that much, it’s still at the level where you have to budget income and expenses and money is tangible. The 1% of the 1% are the ones who are past that and leverage power with their worth, it’s no longer about whether or not they can afford anything.
years ago ten mil would have been big but around me their are over a million dollar houses and they are not exactly mansions.
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- You’re
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