After some kneading Miez positions herself purrfectly for some well deserved belly rubs till she fell asleep.
What a cutie pie, also a hard worker
I’m really sick right now and this makes me miss my boy so much.
Had a traumatic life event a couple months back and I’ve had to move far away and could not take him. I’m confident he’s in good hands, but it’s hard.
I feel you. I was really lucky that I could give two of my cats to a friends family when I had to separate them. In between I had to give up all of my cats due to my health issues. It distroyed me, it tore such a big hole in me. Luckily I got to take Miez back after my health improved. I thought she was in good hands, but I was dead wrong. When the elderly woman that took her in had a broken leg (complicated bone fracture, took several months to heal) she starten smoking on the couch right next to Miez, and now Miez is asthmatic.
I wasn’t aware you lived in Biscuittown
Hope you feel better soon. Cats are great company. My cat makes me feel centered.
Thank you very much. I am feeling a bit better, well enough to WFH since yesterday.
Hope you feel better soon! You have good company while you recover.
Yeah Miez is the perfect companion. She knows exactly how I feel all the time and takes advantage of all the cuddles.
biscuit factory is always open. rain or shine, sickness or health. 😺