You’re not wrong, they need a union. Which is precisely why Facebook and Twitter pack their payroll with H1-b visas.
The US has a glut of skilled tech workers right now thanks to a quarter-million layoffs last year, the argument that they can’t find the labor locally is facetious. Also, every H1-b worker should be entitled to dual citizenship or full naturalization, whichever is their preference.
No, after a harrowing run-in with the Witch of the Swamp, they had a talisman embedded in their chest that forces them to warn people when they need to be both pragmatic and somber.
You’re not wrong, they need a union. Which is precisely why Facebook and Twitter pack their payroll with H1-b visas.
The US has a glut of skilled tech workers right now thanks to a quarter-million layoffs last year, the argument that they can’t find the labor locally is facetious. Also, every H1-b worker should be entitled to dual citizenship or full naturalization, whichever is their preference.
The pedant in me points out that you misspelled “pedant”.
Thanks, I appreciate it. The witch’s evil pendant doesn’t have a spell check. (Ironic, I think so)
I’m sure the witch has a spell book though.
(I’ll show myself out now)
She has a dictionary, yeah.
Probably an overlook of autocorrect.
No, there is no way this could be right. But…if it is, thank you so much for explaining it. I feel better just knowing you’re on the case!
The pendant in me submits that there is a difference between plain old misspelling and unintentional autocorrect.
The pendant in me thinks they got it perfect.
No, after a harrowing run-in with the Witch of the Swamp, they had a talisman embedded in their chest that forces them to warn people when they need to be both pragmatic and somber.
So it literally is the pendant in them.