Precisely this. This is, in my view, the biggest lie American MBA schools forced down to the society: the notion that, if you can’t quantify the value of support and engineering then it does not matter. That is just a side effect of how limited accounting is as a tool to measure value and of how unimaginative accountants are, as a class of professionals.
Then MBA schools don’t directly say it but do condone the notion that one can always squeeze more profit from less cost, which works in the beginning but at the end throws the company into a potentially unrecoverable corner (Boeing), damaging people’s lives, suppliers’ businesses, and the community at large.
No man, sales people are far more important to the bottom line. Profits first, then working product in the future. It’s genius, no way that model could go wrong
The funny thing is it’s easier to replace salespeople with AI than developers. They should be losing salespeople first!
It’s not about business optimization, it’s about not having to defer to someone’s knowledge from the position of power.
AI bubble makes so much sense when you start looking at it this way.
I think it’s just that MBA types see engineering and support as costing money and sales as making money.
Precisely this. This is, in my view, the biggest lie American MBA schools forced down to the society: the notion that, if you can’t quantify the value of support and engineering then it does not matter. That is just a side effect of how limited accounting is as a tool to measure value and of how unimaginative accountants are, as a class of professionals.
Then MBA schools don’t directly say it but do condone the notion that one can always squeeze more profit from less cost, which works in the beginning but at the end throws the company into a potentially unrecoverable corner (Boeing), damaging people’s lives, suppliers’ businesses, and the community at large.
No man, sales people are far more important to the bottom line. Profits first, then working product in the future. It’s genius, no way that model could go wrong