The military isn’t a trap because people are naive. It’s a trap because poverty exist and people have families to feed.
It definitely got me because I was naive
Somewhere it is mandatory.
Step 1: Join the military
Step 2: Make money by selling military secrets to foreign countries
Step 3: ???
Insects don’t really do much thinking the same way we do, and you ideally hide the bear trap under brush. As far as rats and mice go they’ve been known to figure it out eventually but it’s the same basic premise as a letter bomb, and humans fall for those.
As a person who grows a few Venus flytraps, the traps exude a sweet nectar along the inner upper edge. Flies another insects are attracted to that, and the color red, eat some nectar, hit the trigger hairs, the leaves snap shut in a few microseconds, and they are trapped. They’re struggles after that are necessary for the leaf to fully close and form the hermetic stomach for digestion.
Right, insects work on a more input/output basis. Make the trap as obvious as you want, the only thing going through their head is the smell of the nectar.