Both :
Give pleasure. Alter your consciousness. Are addictive. Are delivered via a small, portable device.
I need to see your justification for this conclusion
I think most anthropologists would agree that storytelling is an innate human activity far older than drug use.
Surely drug use is as old as eating. From the first time that you eat a strange berry or funky apple.
Funky Apple is my rap name.
Fair, but there’s no evidence it became a regular part of human culture before the agricultural revolution. Whereas storytelling seems to be an innate social activity, probably as old as language itself.
By that logic - that fiction is a drug because consuming it releases endorphins or dopamine or whatever - then anything that gives pleasure is a drug.
If you enjoy it, then
- rock climbing is a drug
- jogging is a drug
- feeding the birds in the park is a drug
- petting your cat is a drug
Oh no! They were right! TV is a drug!! Rock and roll is a drug! Sex - drug! Not being miserable: definitely a drug. Unless you’re a masochist, in which case: being miserable is a drug!