In case anyone’s wondering, it’s probably because you learn that even really old computers are still really powerful and work fine under Linux especially if you’re gonna use them as a small home server.
every time I see a fairly priced computer on our second hand market I just wanna buy it I’m not good with money
Anytime someone I know upgrades their laptop, I’m hoping they will offer me the old one 😂
I’m thinking of upgrading from my Asus e200ha at some point. Want it when I do?
Having the right motivations behind design decisions is everything.
I use Linux Mint Cinnamon, which is very full-featured and turn-key. It is not designed to be stripped down and lightweight; it is designed to be a drop-in replacement for windows. And it still feels like greased lightning in comparison. Windows just feels like a bad product now, even if we ignore the spying and the non-free nature of it.
Actually real.
This could basically be “before Lain” and “after Lain” for me
Serial Experiments: Lain-ux distro-hopping
no way that bedroom is wired foe that much electrical draw
I think that’s what the added power pole seen in the window is for, they just tap straight off that
ah, good observation
Fuck all technology based aesthetics except for whatever it was that Lain was serving.
Alright, ive watched this anime twice and i guess im clearly missing something. What’s special about it? The animation was okay. They could have thrown in a couple of jokes to spice it up. Maybe toss a pie at the floaty girl once in a while, huh?
Came here for this ❤️
me when doing serial experiments (I’m using uart from a pico to a desktop)
This reminds me of a relatively early Real Life Comics, wherein a character is introduced to Linux and, shortly thereafter, is seen to be building Beowulf clusters.