Hello self-hosted world!
Step by step, I’m going into the beautiful world of self-hosting. With Davx9 and agendav, there is beautiful software available for self-hosting and syncing dav-files. Time to start migrating away from Google Calendar and Google Contacts.
However, I’m getting stuck at finding a replacement for the web app. You see, I hate phones (nothing personal, and it’d be much better if my phone had a full mechanical keyboard built-in but physics won’t allow it), so I type all my stuff on the computer using contacts.google.com and calendar.google.com -> it’s synched to my phone and I can check it there (plus, notifications!). So in order to get rid of Google, I’d need to have a web app which does that for me, ideally with a shiny Docker image making the setup painless.
I’ve looked into Nextcloud (which I use), but it’s absolute bloat, slow and not particularly user friendly. However, I can’t seem to find many options. I can’t be alone with this crave for a fast web frontend for cal and contacts.
What are my fellow selfhosting enthousiasts using?
I personally use Baïkal https://sabre.io/baikal/ for calendar creation. As desktop Clients, I rely on Thunderbird https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/ and Morgen https://www.morgen.so In addition, I have explored alternatives such as Agendav https://github.com/agendav/agendav and Manage My Damn Life https://github.com/intri-in/manage-my-damn-life-nextjs Although Nextcloud offers a wide range of services, I find it to be a rather extensive solution for my needs, considering that my primary focus is calendar usage.