Remember when everyone hated on regular Russian citizens for not forming a rebellious revolution against Putin and assassinating him in his sleep? For not shooting every Russian oligarch and everyone who rubber stamped the invasion of Ukraine? Remember when people called them cowards and “as good as nazis” for being complacent and not getting up and doing something about it?
Where are you keyboard warriors now that the USA needs you?
If somebody says “Trump is shitty”, and tankies throw a fit about that and ban them, I don’t need any more nuance than that. It isn’t the first time commies have worked hand-in-hand with nazis, and it won’t be the last.
Remember when everyone hated on regular Russian citizens for not forming a rebellious revolution against Putin and assassinating him in his sleep? For not shooting every Russian oligarch and everyone who rubber stamped the invasion of Ukraine? Remember when people called them cowards and “as good as nazis” for being complacent and not getting up and doing something about it?
Where are you keyboard warriors now that the USA needs you?
Just sayin’
✅ Luigi approved comment
The same people did nothing as the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and enabled Israel. They were never consistent.
If we’re being specific I’d say those people cheered on Iraq and Afghanistan as well. Bipartisan war hawks.
Shouldn’t be just saying, morons need harsh realities shoved in their face.
Being the best armed country in the world, the US is even worse for not following through
Living in a country that did something against putins predacessor and are now enjoying democracy as a result. This could be you.
With how .ml is fanboying Trump for saving TikTok right now, you lot would bitch if somebody assassinated the president anyway.
I yet have to see a post fanboying trump at all.
They literally banned someone for attacking Trump yesterday. You aren’t paying attention.
attacking him for what, I wonder
If somebody says “Trump is shitty”, and tankies throw a fit about that and ban them, I don’t need any more nuance than that. It isn’t the first time commies have worked hand-in-hand with nazis, and it won’t be the last.
IDK, I know a lot of neo-nazis who’d say ‘fuck trump’ in response to him being willing to work with Israel
Any time I see a lib complaining about being banned on .ml it’s almost always because they earned it by saying something xenophobic or reactionary
The person banned was a communist. He was banned for “defending” Biden by saying he was not worse than Trump.
But hey, I don’t really care what insane nonsense tankies spew on their own instances, if they wanna hug a nazi then that’s on them.
Was this communist ‘fanboying’ a neoliberal capitalist? That doesn’t sound right…
Not an ml, but I think it’s too simplistic to see things this black and white.
These select individuals just want to shoe horn in their ridiculous feud with .ml into every single comment they make.
We’re being real loose with the term ‘fanboy’ now, huh
no looser than tankies are with morals, huh
pot, kettle
Trump brought tiktok back but with more censorship. “Free Palestine” is now banned on TikTok. Last I checked .ml was still playing with RedNote.