The irony of the name which translates directly “little red book” is it’s the indoctrination document for Mao’s Communist China
Mao’s “little red book” of his quotes and philosophy was especially visible during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, where Mao’s followers became like a cult, reading the little red book every day, destroying historical artifacts and archaeological sites, property of alleged non-Maoists and non-conformists, and imprisoning the professional class in camps for “re-education” as farming peasants. Local massacres of “undesireables” as well as mass starvation from failed farming policies, led to millions of unnecessary deaths.
Think Communist Taliban taking over a country the size of China.
The irony of the name which translates directly “little red book” is it’s the indoctrination document for Mao’s Communist China
Mao’s “little red book” of his quotes and philosophy was especially visible during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, where Mao’s followers became like a cult, reading the little red book every day, destroying historical artifacts and archaeological sites, property of alleged non-Maoists and non-conformists, and imprisoning the professional class in camps for “re-education” as farming peasants. Local massacres of “undesireables” as well as mass starvation from failed farming policies, led to millions of unnecessary deaths.
Think Communist Taliban taking over a country the size of China.