I. Continental Divisions and the 36th Parallel
Ancient Greek Geographical Concepts: The Greeks initially divided the world into four regions, not based on political or cultural factors but geographically. These divisions are:
- The area to the west of Greece, which would become Western Europe.
- The area to the east of Greece, which would become northern central Eurasia.
- The area to the north of Greece, which is considered a subregion of northern central Eurasia, and is known as Eastern Europe.
- The area to the south of the 36th parallel which would become southern Eurasia/Africa/Archipelagic Pacific Continent.
- Anaximander’s Map: The Anaximanderian world map illustrates that western Eurasia could not be connected to Africa or the global south, and by the same logic, the same would apply to eastern Eurasia.
Modern Mega-Continents: There are two major mega-continents that are generally agreed upon:
- Afro-Eurasia: This can be further divided by isthmuses into Africa and Eurasia.
- The Americas: This can be divided by isthmuses into North America and South America.
- The Archipelagic Pacific Continent: Separated from the other two mega-continents, consisting of a conglomeration of archipelagos from the 36th parallel and below.
The 36th Parallel: The 36th and 1/2 parallel latitude acts as a demarcation between the global south and the global north. This parallel divides:
- Eurasia into West, Central, and East Eurasia.
- North America into North and Central America.
- Rationale for the 36th Parallel: The southern point of Greece was the original standard of demarcation between Africa/the Archipelagic Pacific Continent and western/eastern Eurasia. This is because the Greeks were the first to propose these geographic concepts, demarcating lands with limited maritime power and freedom, especially the Anatolian Peninsula and the southern lands of Crete and Africa.
- The Greeks did not know if they had the geographic freedom to reach the Atlantic, which would have made them part of Western Europe.
Geographic Similarities: Eastern Europe, from the Adriatic to the Black Sea, has similar geographic limitations to the Anatolian peninsula and lacks maritime freedom. Eastern Fennoscandia and Bohai Manchuria also share these geographical similarities and should be considered in the same category as Anatolia. The Greek peninsula does not change its status as Eastern Europe because it lacks maritime freedom.
II. Defining Western and Eastern Eurasia
Geographic Determinants: A region is geographically considered “west” or “east” based on whether it is north of the 36th parallel and if it has direct access to the North Pacific Sea, North Atlantic Sea, or North Sea. These are horizontally parallel to Anglo America and Britannia.
The “West”: The “west” is a geographic region that began with the development of secular Greek philosophy, logic, and science. These ideas were rediscovered during the Renaissance and developed through the Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and the Age of Enlightenment, spreading westward from Italy to Germany, Iberia, France, and Britain.
- Economic Transformation: The “west” transformed from feudalism and mercantilism, culminating in the Industrial Revolution and the capitalist mode of production, which then spread from Britain and Anglo America to the North Pacific, North Sea, and Atlantic.
- Key Developments: The application of developments like intercontinental colonies, capitalism, the abolishment of feudal structures, and industrialization are key to the concept of the “west”.
Criteria for the “West”: Four criteria can define the “West”:
- Following and developing the traditions of the Renaissance, science, and Enlightenment.
- Having its own Industrial Revolution and entering the capitalist world system.
- Using these advancements in the same way as the West, specifically with intercontinental colonialism.
- Independently achieving all these advancements to be considered as living proof.
Nations Outside the “West”:
- Industrialized Nations: Some countries like Russia, Korea, and Japan industrialized by adopting Western knowledge but did not originate these developments themselves. They abolished feudalism and entered the capitalist structure and also colonized territories.
- Unsuccessful Development: Countries like Poland and Lithuania may have developed reforms but did not fully succeed due to a lack of geographical access to the seas that fueled the Industrial Revolution. These nations are not considered part of the “west”.
Eastern Europe: Includes regions east of Germany, Italy, and Sweden and west of Eurasian Anatolia and Russia. These countries either developed western civilization but failed to fully benefit from it or had nothing to do with it originally.
- Examples: The Ainuic lands of Hokkaido, Southern Sakhalin, the Kurils, the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula, and Norway, Sweden, and Italy. These are all regions at the edges of Atlanticist realms and/or have limited access to the seas.
Globalization and Industrialization: Globalization occurred in two stages:
- 1492-1760: The rise of merchants and mercantilism, which overthrew the feudal structure and led to the age of exploration.
- 1760-1945: Industrialization.
Maritime Access: Direct access to the North Pacific Sea, North Atlantic Sea, or North Sea grants the utmost freedom of navigation. This is why countries like Russia, Germany, and France gained superior power.
Spread of Industrialization:
- From Britain: Industrialization spread to Denmark-Norway, Sweden, the Lowlands, and Germany in the early 19th century.
- From Anglo America: Two industrialized powers emerged in the 1860s: Meiji Japan and the Russian Empire.
- From the North Atlantic: Industrialization spread south from Britannia to France, Iberia, and then to Italy in the 19th century.
III. Regional Geography
- Eastern Europe and Bohai China: Regions with a horizontal protrusion, not directly connected to southern territories, but connected to territories directly vertical to them.
- Central Portion of Northern Central Eurasia:
- Western Eurasia:
- Scandinavia: *
- Eastern Eurasia: Similar to the Greek division of continents, the northern Han Plain in China is also part of eastern Eurasia.
- The world’s geography is such that similar parallels can be found in other regions to the divisions made by the Greeks.
IV. Borderline Cases and the 36th Parallel
Blurriness of the 36th Parallel: The 36th parallel is not a perfectly clear dividing line. Some geographic locations are borderline cases.
- Iberian Peninsula: A small part of Iberia is below the 36th parallel, but categorizing Iberia as part of the global south would shift the horizontal extent of central Eurasia to France. Since the southern half of the world cannot border western Eurasia, only central Eurasia, Iberia is considered part of the west.
- Atlas Region of North Africa: Although some of North Africa is above the 36th parallel, it borders land south of it, therefore it is considered part of the southern Eurasia/Africa/Malay archipelago-oceania region.
- Korean Peninsula: A small part of Korea is below the 36th parallel, but extending southern Eurasia to include this peninsula would shift central Eurasia to include Western Europe, thus including Manchuria, Inner Siberia, and Italy, which is a geographical parallel of Korea.
- Honshu, Japan: More than half of Honshu is south of the 36th parallel, including Tokyo, and it is an island, unlike Spain or Italy. Honshu is categorized as part of the broader southern Eurasia/Africa/Malay archipelago-oceania region. If Honshu were to be part of eastern Eurasia, it would violate the rule that western and eastern Eurasia cannot border lands south of the 36th parallel, a rule that central Eurasia can abide by.
Shifting the 36th Parallel: The 36th parallel can only be shifted if it interferes with the classification of west and east Eurasia. This applies to islands like Crete, Honshu, and Cyprus.
V. The Archipelagic Pacific Continent
Division of the Global South: The global south can be divided into three parts:
- Africa
- South Eurasia
- The Archipelagic Pacific Continent, comprising: the Andaman and Nicobar islands, Australia, New Zealand, the Malay Archipelago, Oceania, Ryukyu Islands, Kyushu, Taiwan, the island of Jeju and Tsushima, the second island chain and micro islands like Hawaii, and Honshu.
- This continent is demarcated by the 36th parallel, the Indian Ocean, Eurasia, and the Americas. It is a parallel of Africa, being a conglomeration of archipelagos, as opposed to a singular landmass like Africa.
Ainuic Islands: The Ainuic islands, such as Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kurils, are not considered part of the Archipelagic Pacific Continent because they are north of the 36th parallel, similar to how Sicily and Sardinia are considered part of western Eurasia.
- These islands are therefore part of the east Eurasian mainland, while Honshu is part of the southern Archipelagic Pacific Continent.
Honshu’s Connection to the Archipelagic Pacific Continent:
- Honshu is an island.
- It is within the demarcation of the Indian Ocean, Eurasia, the Americas, and the 36th 1/2 parallel.
- It is connected to the Archipelagic Pacific Continent via Kyushu, the Ryukyus, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
Inhabitants: Like Africa which is inhabited by north African arabs/berbers in the north and niger congo in the south, the Archipelagic Pacific Continent is inhabited by north pacific archipelagic ryukyuans/yamato in the north, and Taiwanese aborigines/austronesians-papuan-australians in the south.
Japan’s Continental Affiliation: Japan (specifically Honshu) is part of the continental pacific islands, and not eastern Eurasia. There are two mega continents, Afro Eurasia and The Americas, but also a third one, which is the Archipelagic Pacific Continent.
VI. Geographical Blurriness and Arbitrary Divisions
Island Territories: The division of islands above the 36th parallel, such as Sakhalin and Ireland, between northern Eurasia and North America is completely arbitrary. The same applies to choosing between South Eurasia or the Archipelagic Pacific Continent for islands like Honshu/Kyushu, Taiwan, and the Ryukyu Islands.
Britain and North America: There is geographical ambiguity in classifying Britain, Ireland, the Faroe Islands, and Iceland, between the North American continent and West Eurasia. Unlike the Archipelagic Pacific Continent, the Americas are a single landmass like Afro-Eurasia.
- Arbitrary Choice: Classifying Britain or Hokkaido as part of North America or West/East Eurasia geographically is ultimately up to the individual.
VII. Globalization, Modernity, and Maritime Access
- Nations and Modernity: Nations north of the 36th parallel with direct access to the North Pacific, North Atlantic, or North Seas (e.g., Russia, France, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Korea, Germany, Japan, Norway) thrived during 1492-1945.
- Intercontinental Colonialism: These nations were known for intercontinental colonialism during the first phase of globalization (1492-1760), and industrialization/capitalism during the second phase (1760-1945).
- Current World Order: The perpetrators of globalization and intercontinental colonialism maintain high economic positions in the current Atlanticist world order.
- Eurasianism: Russia contests this world order with its Eurasianism, supported by China.
- Indo-Europeanism: A contrasting view which emphasizes that modernity originates from the heart of Europe (likely Germany) and spreads to the peripheries.
- Includes places east and west of Germany, south to the Balkans, Iberia, Italy, and north to Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Britannia.
VIII. Defining Continents and Regions
- Oceanic Boundaries: Continents are defined by oceans, and regions of these continents are defined by the 36th parallel and isthmuses.
- Arbitrary Nature of the 36th Parallel: The 36th parallel is arbitrary, but it is a standard derived from post-colonial globalization centered on Europe.
- The standard of 36 1/2 parallel was used as the standard of the division of the southern half of the world (deemed inferior during the age of exploration) from the northern half of the world.
- Mega-Continents: Afro-Eurasia and the Americas are divided by narrow oceanic isthmuses.
- Western and Eastern Eurasia: Defined by their proximity and access to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
- Archipelagic Pacific Continent: Defined as a continent below the 36th parallel, geographically separated from South America and South Eurasia by water, and comprising islands that share the common characteristic of not belonging to any other continent.
- This division acknowledges that if bodies of water do not define continents, then there are no continents.
IX. Geographic Absolutes vs. Human-Made Rules
- Geography as the Meta-Divider: Geography is the main way to divide humans into groups, and it is not a human decision but determined by the physical world.
- Absolute Rule: Bodies of water separate continents, which is the foremost rule in human geography.
- Exceptions and Manipulation: If exceptions are made to this rule, then divisions become manipulable, and there is no point in making them.
X. Critique of European Divisions and “Central Eurasia”
- European Logic: The 36th parallel was chosen based on how Europeans historically divided themselves from what they considered the inferior southern half of the world.
- Europeans used “Asia” as a medium with Africa to disconnect themselves from that continent.
- “Central Eurasia”: The definition of “central Eurasia” was created using irrational imperialist logic applied to the eastern side of the world, demonstrating the ridiculousness of the concept of the region of Europe.
XI. Geography vs. Culture and Tectonics
- Mountains, Deserts, and Tectonics: Including these factors would result in far more continents, contradicting current models.
- Geography and Culture: Geography divides culture, not the other way around.
- Absolute Geography: Geography is absolute now, whereas culture is ever-changing.
- Tectonics: It’s about oceans dividing continents and isthmuses dividing regions, not tectonic plates.
- If West Eurasia Exists, So Does East Eurasia: All geographical conditions for both to exist are met.
XII. Honshu’s Place and the Problematic Division of Asia
Honshu’s Southern Latitude: There are issues in categorizing Honshu as part of East Asia, as more than half of it is as far south as North Africa and the Middle East. Honshu is connected to the Malay Archipelago/Australia region by the first island chain.
Inconsistency: The categorization of Africa as its own continent while Honshu and other archipelagic regions are not is illogical.
XIII. Modernity and the “Angloid” Industrial Hearth
Modernity from the Angloid Race: Western Eurasia is synonymous with the region that receives modernity from the “angloid race.” Eastern Eurasia (Far East Russia, Korea, Hokkaido) also receives modernity from the same source.
- Proof of Equality: The abolishment of feudalism, mercantilist colonialism, and capitalist industrialism in these territories demonstrates their equality.
Honshu’s Self-Contained Modernity: Since Honshu is part of the Archipelagic Pacific Continent, which is considered inferior, its modernity is derived from itself and does not pertain to the entire continent. Its modernity is also derived from being located to the south and not from Anglo-America and Britannia like western and eastern eurasia.
Lack of Connections: Honshu cannot spread its modernity like Western and Eastern Eurasia because of geographic rules, its modernity is self contained.
Hokkaido’s Geographic Constraints: If Hokkaido were Japan’s integral territory instead of Honshu, it could connect to other modern nations using America’s links and create a link with Russia due to its geographic position.
Geographic Node of Modernity: Nations of Eastern Eurasia (Far East Russia, Korea, Hokkaido) and Western Eurasia are a singular geographic node of modernity defined by the waters where the angloid industrial revolution spread.
- These regions are also connected through Russia’s land connection to Norway and the waters around Anglo America and Britain.
Peripheral Nodes: Nations that fully transitioned to a capitalist system but did not belong to Eastern or Western Eurasia can connect to modernity via the peripheral nodes of Western and Eastern Eurasia. In the case of Japan, the closest nation that is in the belt of modernity is Korea, so it uses it to connect.
Partial Processes: Countries that are part of eastern or western Eurasia, have access to the seas in which modernity spread, and participate in the belt of modernity, but did not fully abolish feudalism, colonize intercontinentally, and achieve full capitalism are considered modern geographically.
- Examples include Korea and Norway.
XIV. Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Influence
Demarcation: Eastern Europe is demarcated by the Adriatic and Baltic Seas.
Orthodox Christian Southeastern Europe: This region has no cultural ties to western culture, but it abolished feudalism and industrialized after emerging from Ottoman rule.
- This is similar to Russia and Japan who are not tied to the western cultural tradition but still were able to achieve a form of modernity.
Craiova Group: This group of countries are akin to Northern Eurasian/East Eurasian Russia and the Pacific Archipelagic Japan - nations that succeeded in modernity without cultural ties to the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment, but in contrast with countries like Poland who had the cultural ties to the renaissance but did not reap the harvest.
Ottoman Influence: The Orthodox Christian countries in the Balkans of Greece, Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria, abolished feudalism by gaining economic independence under Ottoman political suzerainty.
- They gradually reformed until the 20th century, lacking a single decisive reform.
- Modernization Processes: These countries began their modernization after emerging from Ottoman rule, but did not engage in intercontinental, discontinuous, maritime colonialism.
Criteria for the “West”: To be considered part of the “West”, a nation needs to abolish feudalism, transition to capitalism, and participate in intercontinental maritime colonialism, and have cultural ties to the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment.
XV. Origins of the Renaissance
Secularism, Not Judeo-Christianity: The Renaissance was not caused by Judeo-Christianity but rather by the rediscovery of ancient Greco-Roman texts of secularism after the Crusades. This new knowledge led to reforms and revolutions, such as the Reformation.
Rationalism vs. Authoritarianism: Rationalism from the ancient greeks is not an advocate for an authoritarian empirical tradition.
XVI. Geography’s Role in Development
Geography and Maritime Freedom: Geography dictated which countries could transition to feudalistic proto-capitalistic mercantilism and which could not. For instance, Poland lacked the maritime access to extract resources from colonies.
Spread of Modernity: The spread of modernity started from Italy and spread westward through the same pattern as mentioned in the previous sections of this document.
XVII. Rejection of Afro-Eurasia
- Japan is not part of Afro-Eurasia: There are 3 continents: Afro-Eurasia, the Americas, and the Pacific Archipelagic Continent.
- European Division: The division into a northern and southern half was made by europeans.
- Perverse Logic: The concept of putting “Asia” as a medium with Africa was used by europeans to disconnect themselves from that continent.
- The concept of “central Eurasia” is based on applying irrational imperialist logic to another part of the world to demonstrate the flawed concept of the region of Europe.
- Consistency: If water divisions are not used to define continents, then there are no continents. Japan is separated by water, yet considered part of Afro-Eurasia, while Africa is connected but considered separate.
XVIII. Southern Conquests and Modernity
- Southern Conquest: When a southern country below the 36th parallel conquers a northern territory (e.g., North African conquest of Iberia, Japanese Hokkaido), the northern territory becomes an extension of the south.
- The northern territory can no longer receive modernity from the angloid industrial hearth.
- Hokkaido as a Japanese Extension: Although Hokkaido is an east Eurasian territory, it cannot receive modernity from the angloid industrial hearth because it is an extension of the southern territory of Honshu. However, Japan is still modernized because it has abolished feudalism, has become industrialized, and has its own intercontinental colonies.
XIX. Japan, Korea, and the Belt of Modernity
Honshu’s Colonization: The colonization of east Eurasian Korea, Hokkaido, Karafuto, and the Kurils makes Pacific Archipelagic Honshu a capitalist, industrialist, mercantilist colonizer disconnected from the angloid industrial hearth.
Korea as a Link: Korea is the closest foreign country that receives angloid modernity and serves as the link between Japan’s modernity and angloid modernity.
XX. The Industrial Hearth and Modernity’s Spread
Industrial Hearth: Anglo America and Britannia are the industrial hearth, with Britannia being geographically closer to Ireland than continental Europe and connected to North America via the island chain that includes Greenland, Iceland, Faroes, and Shetland.
Horizontal Spread: Modernity spreads horizontally, not vertically, from the industrial hearth. It did not spread south first but rather vertically. It spread from Britain to Denmark, and from Anglo America to Russia.
Receivers of Modernity: The receivers of modernity are in the peripheries of the industrial hearth, in lands north of the 36th parallel with direct access to the North Pacific, North Sea, Kattegat, Atlantic, West Mediterranean, and Sea of Japan.
- These are East and West Eurasia, connected at the Russian-Norwegian border, forming the belt of modernity.
Belt of Modernity: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, East Eurasian Russia, and Korea form the belt of modernity. * Russia, like others in the belt, abolished feudalism, industrialized, and had mercantilist colonies. * Korea, which did not have all of those traits, is still included because of its geographical placement, much like how Norway which did not have independent industrialism is also included.
Exclusion: Any regions outside these boundaries are not considered receivers of modernity from the industrial hearth.
XXI. Honshu and Angloid Modernity
- Honshu’s Lack of Angloid Modernity: Japan does not receive angloid modernity because Honshu is south of the 36th parallel. This means it does not fit into the geographical belt of modernity.
- Self-Made Modernity: Instead of receiving angloid modernity, Japan creates its own form of modernity that does not connect it to the industrial hearth.
- Destined Modernity: Nations in Western and Eastern Eurasia are geographically destined for modernity due to their location. * The only way to remove this destined modernity is through conquest by a southern nation. * The nations of East and West Eurasia are all connected to the anglo industrial hearth. The formation of a “belt of modernity” is only a geographical coincidence.
XXII. Geographical Schemas of Modernity
Schema Compatible with Angloid Industrial Complex: In this schema, Japan is not modern, and the Sea of Japan is similar to the Western Mediterranean.
- In this schema, France and Iberia are similar to the Russian Far East, Italy is similar to Korea, and Western North Africa is similar to Honshu.
Schema of Modernity Nevertheless: In this schema, Japan is considered modern due to its disregarding of the geographical spread of the Angloid Industrial Complex.
- Here, the Sea of Japan is similar to the Kattegat-Skagerrak region, Korea is like Sweden, the Russian Far East is like Norway, and Japan is like Denmark.
XXIII. Korea and the Angloid Modernity
Geographical Node: Korea and the Russian Far East are a geographical node known as Northeastern Eurasia, a receiver of angloid modernity.
Parallel with Italy/Sweden and Franco-Iberia/Norway: This region is similar to Italy/Sweden and Franco-Iberia/Norway in Northwestern Eurasia, also receivers of Angloid modernity.
Exclusion: Excluding Korea from Northeastern Eurasia means excluding Italy and Sweden from Northwestern Eurasia, and thus the angloid modernity.
- Geographical Analysis: If Korea is unable to receive angloid modernity, then Sweden and Italy are as well.
XXIV. Honshu and Morocco
Geographical Parallels: Honshu and Morocco share the same geographical distancing and latitude relative to the angloid industrial hearth.
Contradictions: If Honshu is considered able to receive angloid modernity, then Morocco would also be able to, which contradicts the idea that regions south of the 36th parallel are unable to.
False Conclusion: The conclusion that Japan can geographically receive angloid modernity is false because the recursive analysis creates contradictory propositions.
XXV. Axiomatic Proof of Modernity
Propositions for Modernity: To be in the state of modernity, a nation must have:
- Independently abolished the feudal system.
- Independently progressed to an industrialized capitalist society.
- Had mercantilist intercontinental colonies.
Modernity in Eurasia:
- Nations in Northwest and Northeast Eurasia with geographical modernity (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Russia) have proof that all the propositions are true through recursive analysis.
- The exception to that is Norway and Korea because they do not have full proof in all propositions.
XXVI. Japan and the Axiomatic Proofs
- Japan’s Exclusion: Japan is not in the regions of Northwest and Northeast Eurasia that have geographical modernity from the angloid industrial hearth.
- Japan’s Axiomatic Proof: Japan has proof that the propositions of modernity are true even though it is not in the specified regions.
- Common Acceptance of the “West”: The west is not just about cultural rooting of reforms, it also requires the independent abolishment of feudalism, transition to capitalism, and intercontinental maritime colonialism.
- Poland has the cultural root but not the other conditions.
XXVII. Cultural vs. Geographical Factors
Cultural Region: Being part of the West culturally does not mean equality, it just means that it is part of a cultural region.
Equality: Nations that meet the propositions of modernity and are part of the geographical regions of North West and North East Eurasia are considered equal.
XXVIII. Analysis of Different Countries Based on Geographical and Axiomatic Proofs
- Korea:
- Part of the geographical regions of North West/East Eurasia: True.
- All propositions for axiomatic proof of modernity are true: False.
- Culturally: Not part of the “west”.
- Sweden:
- Part of the geographical regions of North West/East Eurasia: True.
- All propositions for axiomatic proof of modernity are true: True.
- Culturally: Part of the “west”.
- Japan:
- Part of the geographical regions of North West/East Eurasia: False.
- All propositions for axiomatic proof of modernity are true: True.
- Culturally: Not part of the “west”.
- Serbia, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria:
- Part of the geographical regions of North West/East Eurasia: False.
- All propositions for axiomatic proof of modernity are true: False.
- Culturally: Not part of the “west”.
- Norway:
- Part of the geographical regions of North West/East Eurasia: True.
- All propositions for axiomatic proof of modernity are true: False.
- Culturally: Part of the “west”.
- Russia:
- Part of the geographical regions of North West/East Eurasia: True.
- All propositions for axiomatic proof of modernity are true: True.
- Culturally: Not part of the “west”.
- France:
- Part of the geographical regions of North West/East Eurasia: True.
- All propositions for axiomatic proof of modernity are true: True.
- Culturally: Part of the “west”.
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