Even if the ducks killed weren’t from a protected species, anyone in Italy is required to have a hunting permit, even on private lands. This permit is almost impossible to get for a foreigner because it’s an exam with a lot of extremely specific questions in Italian
Rich and having good/powerful connections allows you to do anything in this world. We like to think this has changed but it hasn’t in the big picture.
The only thing these people need to fear is losing significant amount of money or too many important connections…
While I agree with you it would be fun if the Italian government uses this to give dad a bit of a slap for the pish he’s been pulling
Good luck with recovery.
That’s impressive even by my standards 🤣
Agreed lol
It has changed. It’s a lot more blatant now.
In a way, but that might also be because we have faster and better access to information and easier time sharing it.