Let’s not kid ourselves, most people will not start looking at Linux. They should, but they won’t. They’ll continue to use the version of Windows their machine came with, becoming a botnet petri dish in the process, forever, until it breaks or becomes unusable. If Microsoft actually forces their machine to become unbootable they’ll rush off to the mall and replace it with a Mac.
And in the meantime they’ll click off any nags and warnings Microsoft sends them without reading them.
Just like happened with XP.
Just like what happened with Vista.
Just like what happened with 7.
Most users are clueless, barely understand how to use their computers except by rote, and therefore are extremely afraid of change. Microsoft could offer a free puppy with your updrade to Win11 and I think about 75% of users would still refuse to take it.
My partner keeps telling me to stop trying to install Linux on things… It will fix all the problems though! Like someone that only ever uses chrome they could just have an Ubuntu install and I am sure they will be able to manage using firefox.
Let’s not kid ourselves, most people will not start looking at Linux. They should, but they won’t. They’ll continue to use the version of Windows their machine came with, becoming a botnet petri dish in the process, forever, until it breaks or becomes unusable. If Microsoft actually forces their machine to become unbootable they’ll rush off to the mall and replace it with a Mac.
And in the meantime they’ll click off any nags and warnings Microsoft sends them without reading them.
Just like happened with XP.
Just like what happened with Vista.
Just like what happened with 7.
Most users are clueless, barely understand how to use their computers except by rote, and therefore are extremely afraid of change. Microsoft could offer a free puppy with your updrade to Win11 and I think about 75% of users would still refuse to take it.
Most users won’t. Users that are happy to fiddle with registry settings might be a little more likely to though
They are already here…
My partner keeps telling me to stop trying to install Linux on things… It will fix all the problems though! Like someone that only ever uses chrome they could just have an Ubuntu install and I am sure they will be able to manage using firefox.
Yes! I di so too 😆 every device with an open/hackable boot loader, I am be like, “You know, you can install Linux on this and be free!”