See the post on BlueSky:
According to many comments, the US government DOES use SQL, and Musk is not understanding much what’s going on.
See the post on BlueSky:
According to many comments, the US government DOES use SQL, and Musk is not understanding much what’s going on.
He also apparently watched a lot of SeaQuest DSV, and is trying to make it a reality. Hyperloop: SeaQuest. Electric cars: SeaQuest. Big car dashboard screens: SeaQuest. Magic Space Science: SeaQuest. CyberTruck…Apple Mouse ADB gen 1-ish wrapped in aluminum foil. I guess what I find most fascinating is that I have similar mental maladies to him, but I learned instead of just being perpetually dumb. It is actually disappointing that he chose to not learn and just ride the walrus instead. No idea why anyone worships him.
OT: You reminded me that i never watched seaquest more than a few episodes and i will have to do that now. does it still hold up for someone who loved TNG and Voyager?
Season 1 still feels great. 2 gets a bit weird and feels more like a B show. 3 is like shark-jumping, but seeing a timeline jump that shows the now-very-near future is good for some “whoa” moments like, “this is what the continents will look like with sea rise,” but probably feels more like having to work your way through season 1 of TNG.
Didn’t mind spending exercise time watching all three though.