Power company recently outsourced their payment system and now have to pay a fuckin’ fee to pay my goddamned bill. The only way to avoid that is autopay.
Further infuriating is I have to re-add my bank info to yet another third party system.
Fuck the modern world, man.
Use Bill Pay from your bank/credit union to mail them a check (without even paying postage yourself)
I do exactly this. My bank will try to use ACH or a one time debit card automatically, but inevitably ends up sending a check each month. What’s better is if I use the bill the water company sends and mail it back with a check there is a fee, but they don’t charge it when my bank sends a check.
They’re not trying to fuck over the banks. They have better lawyers.
Yeah, I’ve been meaning to look into that. Especially so I can start unlinking my bank details from sites that will eventually expose them in a breach.
That’s the way to go! I pay all my bills through the bank. All they need is your services account number and a mailing address. It’s much nicer when you can pay all your bills in one place instead of having to deal a bunch of different payment apps/websites.
Exactly. I control when and how the money goes out. This way I don’t have to hope that a) the payee doesn’t make mistakes and take out more than once or more than the scheduled amount and b) that the payee isn’t caught in a data breach with my banking details.
At the end of the day, I just take a little time to make sure all the bills are scheduled for the right amounts over the coming few weeks.
That’s step one. Step two is to get enough solar and whole-house battery storage so you can cut the grid and give them $0.
Would be nice, but where I live less than a fifth of days in the year are sunny on average.