They run ads in the podcasts that are exclusive to Spotify. There is no such thing as ad free Spotify.
Where we live they phased out Duo and force&switched us to Family even though we’re only two. That was a year ago or so
I just got a “swipe right or left” ad for duo
thanks, spotify, for occasionally reminding me I’m single
Just a reminder that Tidal is amazing, has higher quality audio, a real shuffle, daily playlists, doesn’t shove podcasts in your face, pays artists more, and provides ways to import your playlists over 🩷 I also listen to some pretty obscure music and haven’t had issues not finding songs.
Looked at that and think it will be an option in the near future, but right now Raspotify and Connect are hard to beat.
Edit: Searching a bit more, it looks like Tidal Connect is actually a thing. I’ll take a good look at switching when my Spotify plan runs out. I’ll be happy to switch to a service that doesn’t screw their artists.
That repo is an amazing example of something so well documented as to how it works they completely neglected to have even a paragraph explaining what it really does and why I would want to use it.
As far as I can tell it’s a Spotify connect client which runs as a daemon so you probably need to control it remotely? Kinda like how AirPlay works on apple devices? Is that right?
Yea, I run hundreds of self-hosted projects, and I’m clueless.
Deleted spotify, now use Soundcloud and Tidal. Reminder soundcloud has by far the most music on it.
aww it’s not available in my region
Tidal doesn’t respect disabling explicit content, and it also dropped crossfading.
As buggy as it is sometimes, Deezer is where I’m at.
I’m checking out Tidal right now. Is there a way to import the playlists that doesn’t cost money?
When you say “a real shuffle” what do you mean?
So far the audio quality is noticeably better and I have both set to maximum quality. Only complaint so far is that they seem to combine artists of same or similar names. For example, it was tough to find Wolves without it confusing different artists of the same name. I found a metal core band from Milwaukee of the same name which I like, but I was looking for a band from the early 2000’s from Massachusetts. Once I found them, Tidal lists other artists’ albums under the more albums section.
When I moved over a few years ago, there were a few different services that could migrate playlists. I did remember some having a cap that you had to pay to increase, but I believe I eventually found one that let me move them all for free.
One of the reasons I quit Spotify was that their shuffle seemed oddly weighted. It would try to detect songs that it thought I wanted to listen to and always prioritize those in the shuffle. Turning off its smart shuffle didn’t seem to help either 🤷♀️ I do occasionally find artists with the same name grouped together, but this is something I’ve seen them addressing in their patch notes. They are really on top of reported issues.
Yeah. I’m not a fan of their shuffle either. I sometimes want music I’ve never heard before. Supposedly their discover weekly playlist is what provides this but it’s always full of covers of songs I already regularly listen to.
I had Spotify on shuffle once, and it played the same song twice in a row. On two separate occasions.
Exaaaactly! It could be a super cool feature if they gave users a way to add and adjust weights to songs- higher ones played more often and lower less, or if they let songs be hibernated - they stay in a playlist but won’t play until woken up.
That isn’t an advert, it is a “promotion”, gotcha!
I guess they don’t count their own ads
Fucking excuse me? Wtf is happening now?
“So everyone in the couple can enjoy…”
But there’s only two people, you said it’s a couple???
Does this read weird to anyone else?I used to pay for Spotify. One day, got an email saying “uwu, we’re raising our prices again. Sowwyy 🥺👉👈”. The same day I switched to YT after exporting my playlists. I cracked the YouTube Music app with Revanced. Corps will never get anything out of me again.
Would have left Spotify a couple years ago if I could find an app with something like Spotify Connect.
Is that the thing that randomly switched from my desktop to my phone in the middle of a song a dozen or so times yesterday for no apparent reason and with no interaction from me on either device? Yeah, uhh, I would very much like to find an app that doesn’t do that.
xManager says what?
Doesn’t look like it plays well with Spotify Connect?
What exactly is Spotify connect?
It allows any device to cast music to pretty much any other device that supports Spotify, whether via phone app, browser or Linux app. I have a couple of small computers connected to receivers in different rooms and can control the music playing on them from the attached PC itself or any other PC or phone.
Yeah if that’s what it is then I can do that as well even with my spotx desktop and xmanager android, I can control Spotify on my computer from my phone.
Does spotx add any functionality, or is it just another way to control Spotify?
Spotx is just a script to block ads but on desktop
Use Spotube, a Spotify client that’s available via F-Droid or it’s official site
That’s all. Enjoy free Spotify premium-like user experience. You can also log in with your already existing Spotify acc for convenience
Thanks mate !!! Thats a great app!! To be true lately a lot users share their apps, you guys give amazing solutions!
I dropped YouTube app and I use newpipe, now I can use spotube as a replacement to Spotify.
I had the same Wow! experience when I first heard about this app. One can’t literally tell which apps UI is the official one lol
Glad to hear others like it too!
Nice. Any chance my existing spotify accound could get banned or something? I want some QOL changes but am afraid of losing ~400 playlists…
I am so glad I swapped to downloading my music rather than streaming. Fuck Spotify and every other streaming service. Owning my music is more important to me than any level of “convenience” those services pretend to offer
paying for music has to be made cringy again
If you are able to give support to artists you listen to, try to find ways to give money to them directly without any corporation leeching most of the money.
Every other day.