Published in World Economic Forum · 5 min read · Nov 12, 2016
“Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.”
The consensus seems to be that this is a propaganda piece (or at least heavily opinionated by the writer) but I just don’t understand how they could write this with a positive frame of mind. The article is a strange mixture of perspectives that don’t seem consistent. Bizarre.
This is just a repost by the same WEF that made this gold nugget in 2018. They even kept the year, so uncreative. There is a dedicated wiki page about this garbage’ll_own_nothing_and_be_happy
Even the most comfortable prison is still a prison - Captain Picard, TNG
Sometimes I use my bike when I go to see some of my friends.
A bit obsolete this thing about “owning” a bike. Bike subscriptions are way more convenient!
Also it’s harder to track you when you are using this old-fashioned “dumb” bike.